Chakras for Beginners

If you decide to deal with energy centers, which are in many respects important for our energy and health, we should understand that this issue is very extensive. It is best to study it from books - including the book written by Pond David "Chakras for Beginners". However, the basic information about the chakras can be found right now, from this article.

Chakras for Beginners

Chakras are energy centers that are located along the spinal column. Each of them is responsible for the functioning of specific organs and systems of the human body. In order to be healthy and energetic, it is important to keep all your chakras open and undeveloped. True, the upper, the seventh chakra, in this case is not taken into account: its opening is given to a few, mostly ascetics, yoga masters.

The modern concept is set forth in the texts of Paduka-pancak and Shat-chakra-nirupana, which translated Woodruff into "Serpent Power." The theory of the chakras came to us from Hinduism and is based on the assertion that the energy of Kundalini's life flows from the bottom upward. It is for her free circulation, on which human health depends, and it is necessary to work on the disclosure of energy centers, because if there are obstacles on her way, she will not be able to maintain the human energy at the proper level.

With what chakra to begin?

To start work on chakras you always need from the bottom of them, and then consistently move upwards - this allows you to open them all and release the energy of kundalini. Consider their names and sequence:


The first Muldahara chakra, the lowest, is located in the perineum, near the base of the spine next to the genital organs. Responsible for excretory function.


The second chakra of Swadhistan is between the navel and the top of the pubic bone, usually two fingers below the navel. Responsible for the sex organs.


The third chakra of Manipur is located exactly in the solar plexus, responsible for the vital energy, the "I" of man.


The fourth Anahata chakra is located in the center of the sternum. She is responsible for the heart and tender chuvsta.


The fifth Vishuddha chakra is in the throat area. He is responsible for the health of the throat, larynx and free creativity.

Ajna or the third eye

The Ajna chakra is centered between the eyebrows. Responsible for clairvoyance, pacification.


The Sahasrara chakra is located in the parietal region. This is the highest connection with the divine, which is not accessible to everyone.

Disclose chakras should be sequential, from the bottom to the top. In the future, they should be filled with energy in the same sequence.

Chakras for beginners - the accumulation of energy

In order to open the chakra or fill it with energy, you can use simple techniques of meditation. Time of work with one chakra is about 15-20 minutes.

  1. Accept the lotus position or other suitable position for you.
  2. Relax each muscle.
  3. Breathe deeply, inhaling and exhaling equally slowly and calmly. For convenience, you can inhale for 4-8 accounts and exhale also for 4-8 accounts.
  4. When this breath is easy for you, try to remove the gaps between inhalation and exhalation. This is the technique of continuous breathing. Accustom yourself to breathe so during meditation.
  5. Concentrate on the right chakra (the first time is necessarily the lower one, Muldahara).
  6. Imagine her, direct her inner gaze to her, try to feel it as something tangible.
  7. When the time comes, you will feel a tingling, warmth, cold, tickling or other physical feeling on the chakra site.

Train until you feel the chakra. Some people take 5 minutes on this, others have 5 weeks of daily meditation. Uncover all your chakras and support them with meditations - this will grant you spiritual and physical health.