What foods have folic acid?

As a rule, the question of what foods contain folic acid begins to worry women only during the planning period of the child, because it is at this time that such an element is especially important for the body. However, vitamin B9 is necessary for every person. Consider what foods contain folic acid, so that you can normalize the situation without resorting to drugs.

  1. Among the fruits and berries are leading kiwi and pomegranate, in which 18 μg of substance. In addition, this element is also contained in such products as figs, strawberries, raspberries, banana, watermelon, cherries, sea ​​buckthorn , lemon and peach. In other fruits and berries the content of folic acid is very low, almost insignificant.
  2. Among the vegetables, parsley, beans and spinach are leading, with about 100 micrograms of vitamin B9. In addition, it is worth paying attention to leaf lettuce, greens, eggplants and all kinds of cabbage.
  3. Among cereals, solid wheat (46 μg) can be considered a champion. Also good in this respect are rice, buckwheat and oats. It is important to eat foods not only because "it is useful", but also to reckon with their own tastes - in this case the benefit will be as strong and noticeable.
  4. Meat products are not too rich in folic acid - the maximum amount, 9 mcg, is contained in the turkey. A recognized leader in the content of B9 - beef liver, in which 240 μg of substance.

In addition, a lot of vitamin B9 in nuts, especially walnuts and hazelnuts, in white mushrooms and especially in yeast (as much as 550 μg). If you are instinctively drawn to these foods, then your body is short of folic acid.

Knowing what foods are rich in folic acid, you can get as much of this substance without additional drugs and preparations as you need.