Why does the newborn groan and push in a dream?

While a little man adapts to the new conditions of life, there are many reasons for concern among caring parents. A newborn child then groans, then sniffs, then pushes and turns in a dream, then cries or moans, then feces of the wrong color - yes, and with such complaints mummies turn to the pediatrician. And this is only the beginning of the epic of infantile features.

To at least a little comfort the most exciting mom and dad, and help them overcome their first difficulties, we'll tell you why the newborn groans and snuggles in a dream, and how to help the child in this situation.

Newborn baby groans and sleeps in a dream: possible causes

No mother can sleep soundly when strange sounds are heard from a baby crib. And these sounds are the most diverse: the kids grunt, snort, groan, "quack" while toggling or pinched their legs. Obviously, this way they are trying to express their discontent and ask for help.

However, before you panic, call an ambulance, or flee to a pharmacy, parents should have at least a general idea of ​​what this behavior may be related to. So, the reasons why the newborn groans and groans, turns, or tenses in a dream, in fact a few:

  1. Colic. Approximately 3 weeks and up to 3 months (and sometimes up to a year) most often in the evening and at night babies are troubled by the tummies. The cause of discomfort and restless behavior in this case are accumulated gases that cause severe pain. As a rule, with colic the newborn cries, publishes various sounds in a dream and presses the legs.
  2. Crusts in the nose. Slime, which is formed in the small nasal passages of the baby with insufficient hygiene, dry air and high ambient temperature, quickly withers. As a result, in a tiny spout, crusts form which prevent the passage of air. Hence the strange, scary parents of the sounds.
  3. Constipation. Normally, a baby who is breastfed is emptied at least twice a day, an artificial person is less likely. If the child has not emptied for any reason in time, the feces begin to press on the thin walls of the intestine, causing thus painful sensations. With constipation, a newborn can grunt and stiffen in a dream.
  4. Neurological diseases. Restless sleep in children older than 2-3 months may indicate problems with the nervous system, in which case only the doctor can refute or confirm the hypothesis.
  5. Other reasons. It is known that babies are very sensitive to any irritating factors: tight clothes, high or low air temperature, thirst, untimely changed diaper - all this is an occasion to loudly state the problem. Very often, when the children are hot, they begin to groan and toss and turn in a dream, when they freeze - they hiccup when it comes time to conduct hygienic procedures - they can cry. It is also possible that the cause of strange sounds is a banal feeling of hunger.

What if the newborn groans, turns and stiffens in a dream?

So that the baby sleeps quietly, and the parents can rest a little, you need to eliminate the causes and factors contributing to the problem in time.

In the case of colic and constipation, it is important:

It is also necessary to regularly ventilate the room, clean the nasal passages, change diapers, put only the best quality clothing from natural fabrics in the crumbs.

If the newborn cries, groans, tights, and if diarrhea, vomiting, skin rashes or fever has risen, immediately consult a doctor.