Is it possible to get garlic for pregnant women?

During pregnancy, women are particularly anxious to begin to treat their food, thinking about the benefits and harm that brings each of the products they use.

To products that cause doubt - whether they are eaten or not, garlic also applies.

What is the reason for this attitude to this seemingly useful plant in every respect?

Reasons for the ban

To understand why it is believed that garlic can not be consumed during pregnancy, you need to find out what properties it possesses. The fact is that garlic is referred to plants that promote the increase of uterine activity. For many years before giving birth, they were advised to use garlic to cause uterine contractions. But then it turned out that garlic adversely affects the taste of breast milk and this practice "has sunk into oblivion."

In addition, garlic is a product that can cause allergies. Therefore, you need to be cautious about it during pregnancy: even if a woman has never had an allergy, then during this period she can suddenly appear. The risk of developing allergies especially increases towards the end of pregnancy.

When asked whether garlic can be used during pregnancy , it should be noted that garlic can lead to stomach pain, heartburn and other dyspeptic disorders.

Therefore, in pregnancy, all irritating gastric mucosa and toxic products, including garlic and onions, should be excluded from the diet as far as possible.

Also, garlic has the property of diluting the blood. And if a woman has a tendency to nosebleeds or poor blood coagulation, then it is better not to use garlic.

It is also believed that the taste of garlic "does not like" kids, and they react violently to the arrival of his mother's body. If a woman has noticed a similar pattern in her, then it is better not to worry the child and give up garlic.

And what is the use?

Despite all the "dangers" garlic is still a valuable and useful product, including for pregnant women. It contains a lot of vitamins, including folic acid, so necessary during pregnancy.

Everyone knows how useful garlic is in combating viral diseases. Therefore, for colds during pregnancy, many midwives advise a woman to strengthen the immunity to eat small amounts of garlic. But it does not need to be chewed.

Garlic also has the property of maintaining blood pressure, reducing the risk of blood clots, and this during pregnancy is quite relevant.

There is evidence that garlic improves blood circulation, thereby contributing to the growth and development of the fetus.

Find the golden mean

So what can pregnant women do, how can they decide whether to eat garlic or not? Proceeding from all the above, we can say that garlic during pregnancy is possible. The only question is how it is and in what quantities.

Naturally, no pregnant woman will eat it on several heads per day, adding to each dish. If a day to eat one clove of garlic, nothing terrible can not happen. After all, everything is good in moderation.

Small amounts of garlic do not pose a danger during the carrying of the baby. And after heat treatment, garlic generally becomes harmless.

On late pregnancy, garlic should be treated with caution. But, if a woman can not do without him, then do not completely exclude the garlic from your diet.

Currently, doctors are increasingly agreed that if a pregnant woman does not have an individual intolerance to garlic, then it can be consumed, but still it is worth keeping reasonable doses.