Trays for storm sewage

Trays for wastewater disposal are the main element in the installation of storm sewers . Therefore, the choice of this device should be treated carefully, especially if you independently design the sewage system of the site. Let's look at the type of storm drainage trays.

Features of selection and installation of trays for storm water drain

When choosing which trays to install, you should focus on a few points.

First, this is their class , which provides the level of the maximum permissible load. In total there are six such classes:

From the above, we conclude that the most popular among ordinary consumers are classes B-125 and C-250, because these trays are installed on sections of country houses.

Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the capacity of trays for storm sewage, which is directly related to their size. It is very important to calculate the exact cross-sectional area, and for this purpose it is necessary to measure the width of the hydraulic section of the tray and its height. As a result of these calculations, the capacity of the trays should ideally match the capacity of your storm sewer.

And thirdly, when choosing, pay attention to the material of the production of trays .

The strongest are concrete, manufactured using vibration pressing technology. Such trays are monolithic and waterproof. In addition, they are resistant to low temperatures and various chemical influences - which means they are ideal for any sewage system. If you need even more high-strength models, you can consider the option of buying reinforced concrete shower trays reinforced with metal fasteners. These trays are usually equipped with gratings made of cast iron or stainless steel with honeycomb or slotted holes.

From the shortcomings of concrete structures we note their great weight.

For the storm sewage of private houses, a much more acceptable option is the choice of plastic trays. Since the traffic intensity here is minimal, the plastic trays or, as they are also called, gutters are an ideal option. They combine a sufficiently high strength due to clearly designed and designed stiffeners, and relatively small weight compared to concrete structures. Such models are easy to install, resistant to aggressive chemical environment, frost-hardy.

Choosing trays for storming, you can buy a model with the right bandwidth for you. Plastic models are usually equipped with the same plastic or metal sieves. Interestingly, the design of each gutter is designed in such a way that it allows you to easily adapt it to pipes that divert water to the collector, and to perpendicular trays.

The standard slope of the shower trays varies from 2 to 5%, but at the same time you can always increase or decrease it depending on the requirements of the individual landscape.