Diet with thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis is a disease in which deep veins begin to form blood clots, or thrombi that can come off and in some cases lead to fatal consequences.

Prevention of thrombosis is primarily aimed at eliminating risk factors for the development of vascular diseases. First of all, it is a refusal from smoking, a decrease in body weight, a decrease in the level of cholesterol in the blood, elimination of hypodynamia and a sedentary lifestyle. Prevention of these factors is included in the prevention of vascular disease.

For the prevention of thrombosis, it is necessary to systematically engage in sports, at least half an hour a day, as physical exercises have a weighty effect on blood vessels. Classes in swimming, dancing, cycling, golf contribute to the tone of the veins. Do not just attend classes that are associated with the load on the arch of the foot - weightlifting, squash, tennis. In addition to active physical activity in this disease, an inseparable part is a diet for vein thrombosis.

Nutrition for deep vein thrombosis

Diet in thrombosis is not strict, but some products will have to be abandoned. For example, it is necessary to exclude all foods that contain vitamin K in excess. Green tea, green salad, coffee, spinach, cabbage, and liver are referred to similar products.

The diet for deep vein thrombosis should limit the intake of salty, fatty and spicy dishes, which, due to fluid retention, lead to an increase in the volume of blood circulation.

Nutrition for thrombosis should contain as much as possible in the diet raw fruits and vegetables. Such products have a lot of fiber, from which the body synthesizes fibrous fibers, which are needed to "strengthen" the venous wall. Products of vegetable origin are also useful.