Polyps in the uterus - treatment

It used to be considered that women from the age of 50 years are more likely to suffer from polyps. Modern ecology has significantly reduced this age, now the diagnosis of "polyp uterus" can put even young girls. Consoles only that the polyps in the uterus are still amenable to treatment and can be disposed of.

How to remove polyps in the uterus?

Surgery is required to remove the polyp on the cervix. The very process of polyp removal is called - polypectomy. To be afraid of it it is not necessary, operation is not difficult and it is spent together with anaesthetising agents. The doctor simply twists the polyp itself, and the base of the leg is cauterized with an electric current.

If after polypectomy polyps still continue to appear, or if the polyps are in the uterine cavity, then the procedure for scraping the polyp in the uterus itself is done-curettage. With the help of special tools, the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus, is removed. This procedure protects against the appearance of new polyps, and also allows you to take polyp cells for analysis. Analysis of the structure of the cells of the polyp allows us to detect possible oncology in time.

Recently, the procedure for removing polyps in the uterus by the laser has been actively practiced. Such laser therapy can be

After performing surgical procedures, a woman needs to undergo periodic examination. In order to prevent the appearance of new polyps in the uterus prescribe drug treatment with hormonal drugs. Naturally, all drugs are selected individually, because every woman has her own reason for the appearance of polyps.

Also I would like to say also that the listed surgical procedures have contraindications. They will not be performed if a woman has various inflammatory diseases - chlamydia, thrush, gonorrhea and similar infections.

How to treat polyps in the uterus?

Of course, there are options for treating the polyp uterus without surgery, but this is possible only if the cause of polyps is a disorder of the menstrual cycle. In this case, hormone therapy is prescribed, using oral contraceptives.

There are also known cases when folk remedies are used to treat polyps of the uterus. Tell you about one of these means - it's clean.

Water celandine tincture from polyps in the uterus

Fresh herbs celandine pour 165 ml of boiling water, wrap and let it brew for a couple of hours. Take tincture 3 times a day, starting with small portions, gradually bringing the amount of liquid drunk to 100 ml. After 2 weeks, you need to make a 2-week break, after which you can drink a few more courses.

Syringe celandine

Fresh grass celandine pour a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for several hours, then drain and cool everything. The resulting broth should be syringed 2 times a day. The course is the same as with the use of water tincture: 2 weeks douche - 2 weeks rest.

But nevertheless, keep in mind that there are many prescriptions and advice, but doctors consider folk medicine not effective. We do not want to frighten you, but without proper diagnosis and qualified treatment, regular polyps can develop into uterine cancer!