Diet for cystitis

Cystitis is a disease that consists in inflammation of the walls of the bladder. It can manifest itself in 2 forms: acute and chronic. People who fall ill with him, experience pain when urinating and walk with frequent urge to the toilet. Acute cystitis is well treatable, but when the disease has become chronic, getting rid of it is more difficult.

Nutrition for cystitis is an important part of the treatment, because the bladder is directly related to the kidneys, and if you organize an improper diet, eat "heavy" foods for processing, and also those that can irritate already inflamed tissues, the condition may worsen .

How should you eat with cystitis: diet?

To begin with, the work of the kidneys is most active in the morning and afternoon. This means that the main burden on the bladder falls exactly at this time, and therefore the most caloric food should be taken in the morning and in the afternoon, and for dinner it is necessary to plan light meals.

If you load organs when they are supposed to "rest" (in this case, in the evening and at night), it turns out that they will work in a reinforced mode permanently. In inflammatory processes, the additional load is unacceptable.

What foods can not be eaten with cystitis?

The general rule in limiting food for all forms of cystitis is to exclude foods that contribute to irritation of the walls of the inflamed organ.

Now consider what you can not eat with cystitis, depending on its nature:

  1. If the cystitis is in chronic form, then it is better to avoid fatty and high-calorie food, and completely abandon canned foods, spices and sauces, as well as smoked products.
  2. In the acute form of cystitis, there are more restrictions: you need to give up alcohol, salt is best excluded altogether, or you can salt food in extremely small quantities. Strong tea and coffee are classified as aggressive drinks, so you should try to drink them in smaller quantities. It also adds a ban on pickled products, and those that are prepared with the addition of spicy condiments. Smoked products are also on the restricted list.

So, three basic prohibitions in the diet for acute and chronic cystitis:

Refusing them, you can ease your condition, because the composition of urine in this case will not additionally provoke irritation.

What foods do you need for acute cystitis?

Because there are products that can worsen the condition, that is, those that contribute to recovery.

Cystitis shows a gentle diet rich in vegetables, fruits and dairy products. They help the body cope with the bacteria that caused inflammation, because they can activate the kidneys, and are enriched with vitamins.

The use of fluids should be given special attention. The patient should drink a lot of water: at least 1.5 liters per day, so that bacteria can be quickly removed from the body.

Of the folk remedies for the treatment of acute cystitis, cranberry juice is also used. It contains substances that destroy bacteria, but to have an effect with a tangible effect, you need to drink at least 800 mg per day.

Even in the diet it will be useful to add honey, which helps to relieve inflammation.

What you need to eat with chronic cystitis?

With this form, the disease has a large scale: almost all of the bladder is affected, its tissues swell and ulcers can appear on them. Therefore, the essence of the diet in this case - to increase the number of diuretics and antimicrobial products. Very useful are fresh vegetables and fruits, especially watermelons, melons, grapes, asparagus, parsley, pumpkin, celery and pears. Drinking regime should be observed with extreme severity: not less than 1.5 liters of water per day. From drinks it is recommended to drink fruit drinks and compotes.

How to eat with cystitis: an example of a menu

Even if the disease does not worsen, during the year you need to adhere to a diet. Next, we give an approximate diet for cystitis:

  1. Breakfast can consist of: milk porridge, vegetable puree, lightly salted cheese, pasta, cottage cheese. From drinks you can choose kefir or juice.
  2. Lunch consists of the first and second. The first: beetroot soup, cabbage soup, cereal soup, borsch. These dishes should not be very greasy and salty. Second: cereals, pasta, vegetables stewed, as well as boiled meat, steamed cutlets, boiled fish. From drinks you can choose juice, compote or jelly.
  3. Dinner: pancakes, curd casseroles, buns, salad "Vinaigrette".
  4. Helping the body to overcome the disease with the help of such nutrition, you will significantly accelerate the recovery period.