Candidiasis in women

Thrush occurs in many women and men. The most susceptible to this disease are representatives of the fair sex in childbearing age, which is why the question "What is thrush?" Occurs in many girls.

The main role in the emergence of thrush in women (scientifically - vaginal candidiasis) plays Candida fungus. This fungus is found everywhere - and surrounded by humans, and in his body. But only active and excessive reproduction of this fungus causes the disease.

Not treated in time thrush in women can lead to serious consequences - the development of a chronic form of the disease and other ailments of the reproductive system.

The causes of thrush in the body in women:

Symptoms of thrush in women

Vaginal candidiasis is accompanied by multiple symptoms. The most acute and unpleasant are:

All the symptoms of thrush manifest themselves much sharper for 5-7 days before the onset of menstruation. Unpleasant sensations intensify in the warmth (for example, after taking a bath) and in the evening.

In women, the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis are similar to many sexually transmitted diseases. Often thrush accompanies such diseases as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes. Therefore, when women have any symptoms of thrush, it is necessary to begin urgent treatment.

Diagnosis of vaginal candidiasis

The disease is diagnosed in the laboratory after a thorough examination of the doctor. The most common method is a smear that determines the internal microflora. This smear allows you to determine the number of microbes in the vagina and inflammatory processes on the mucosa.

Recently, the DNA-diagnostics method has become increasingly popular. This method reveals the presence of any infections in the female body with high accuracy. Additional methods are: bacteriological culture and smear microscopy. A comprehensive diagnosis of thrush can accurately determine the stage of the disease.

How to treat thrush in women?

Treatment of vaginal candidiasis should be comprehensive and stage-by-stage. It is necessary not only to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, but also to prevent its re-development.

Modern medicine offers a variety of ways to treat thrush. There are multiple drugs of local and general action: antifungal tablets, ointments, suppositories allow you to get rid of this scourge in a short time. Special attention should be given to treatment of thrush during pregnancy. It is known that most medical drugs are contraindicated for future mothers. Before you go to the pharmacy for a medicine you need consult a doctor. There are numerous folk remedies for treating thrush in women. The most reliable and effective method is syringing with soda and infusion of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula). Daily syringing in the morning will get rid of the disease in 10 days.

For complete recovery from the yeast infection, one should not only take medications, but also perform a few simple rules:

Compliance with these rules, and daily hygiene procedures make treatment of candidiasis in women more effective and in 7-10 days from the disease there will be no trace.