Hydronephrosis of the left kidney

Hydronephrosis of the left kidney is a violation in which the body cavity expands, which in turn is caused by a violation of the process of outflow of the formed urine from the pelvis. As a result, there is an increase in pressure inside the excretory, which dramatically slows blood circulation, and thereby provokes the development of atrophy of the kidney parenchyma. At the same time there is an increase in the cup-and-pelvis system of the kidney, which is confirmed by the results of the ultrasound.

What degrees of violations are usually made?

Depending on how badly the kidney is affected, what other structures are undergoing changes, it is customary to distinguish:

  1. 1 degree of hydronephrosis of the left kidney. It is the initial stage of the disorder and is characterized by the fact that the accumulation of urine occurs directly in the cup and the renal pelvis. In view of the fact that the walls of these structures are quite elastic, the body itself compensates for the increased load on it.
  2. 2, the degree of hydronephrosis of the left kidney is characterized by an excessive increase in pressure inside the organ, which leads to a strong stretching of the walls of the renal-pelvic system. As a result, there is a change in these structures - they are thinner. As a result, the working capacity of the body is reduced by about 20-40%.
  3. With hydronephrosis of the left kidney of the third degree, there is atrophy of the parenchymal tissue of the organ, which leads to a decrease in the function performed by 60-100%. When performing ultrasound at this stage, there is an increase in the size of the cup and pelvis approximately twice.

How is hydronephrosis treated in the left kidney?

Conservative treatment of this disorder is possible only at the first degree of the disease. In such cases, it involves the relief of urinary diversion by administering diuretics.

However, in most cases, the development of a similar problem is resorted to surgical treatment. The main purpose of this method is to remove obstacles that violate the outflow of urine from the kidney.

As for the treatment of hydronephrosis of the left kidney during pregnancy, in such cases the treatment is aimed at increasing the tone of the ureters, facilitating the retention of urine. The doctor prescribes a sparing regimen and recommends adherence to a diet (elimination of salty, fatty, fried and spicy food).

Diuretics of plant origin can be prescribed, which at the same time reduces the risk of edema development. Constantly monitor the condition of the body, by assigning general tests of urine and blood, ultrasound.