How to cook soup from a duck?

Meat of domestic ducks refers to dark varieties of poultry meat, it is a valuable food product, albeit of increased fat content. In general, ducklings can be attributed to delicacy products (especially meat of musk ducks). Of course, a duck is not recommended for frequent daily use, but a rare regular inclusion of ducklings in the diet has a beneficial effect on the human body. The work of the brain, the state of the nervous, hormonal and cardiovascular systems, as well as skin tone and muscle tissues improve, eyesight is aggravated.

Duck meat is especially useful for adult men, for the prevention of anemia and tuberculosis. The ducklings contain many essential amino acids, useful micronutrients, as well as vitamins A (in large quantities), E, ​​K and B group. The preparation of dishes with ducklings without skin significantly reduces their fat content.

We will sometimes cook a duck, especially its fatty meat for cold days and for those who spend a lot of physical energy.

Tell you how and what kind of soup can be prepared from a duck, there are many interesting recipes.

Simple soup of duck with homemade noodles in a rustic style



We will cut the prepared duck into small portions, wash it, put it in pans and fill it with cold water. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat. Gently remove noise and fat with a spoon. Cook for at least 1 hour (depends on the youth of the animal). We add to the soup peeled onions (whole), carrots and potatoes, cut rather large, as well as laurel, pepper-peas, gvozdichku. Again, bring to a boil and cook for another 20 minutes (we throw the onions).

Homemade noodles are added, when until the soup is ready for 5-8 minutes. Season with nutmeg, a little salting. We pour soup into serving plates or soup cups. Individually season the dish with red and black pepper, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Spicy duck soup with duck



For about 1 hour, cook soup broth, cut into small portions with spices . Mushrooms and onion, chopped small enough, lightly fry in a frying pan on duck fat, reduce fire and brawn for 15-20 minutes with the addition of Madeira - it will give soup a special spice.

We put potatoes in soup cubes or slices and cook for about 20 minutes. Add onion- mushroom mixture, cut into slices of olives, fill with tomato paste. Slightly greasy. We pour soup into serving dishes, add on a slice of lemon. Individually season the soup with ground pepper, garlic and chopped greens.

You can include 2-3 crispy salted cucumbers in the saltwort - cut them in circles or in some other way.

On especially cold days, it will be good to boil the meat in a broth, add the sliced ​​coarse root of ginger (then it must be extracted with a noisy and discard or drain the broth) or you can season the soup with ground ginger.