TTG in pregnancy

Thyrotropic hormone, abbreviated TSH, plays an important role in the process of bearing a child. He is responsible for the normal and full functioning of the thyroid gland during pregnancy and promotes the production of her vital hormones. TTG is produced by the brain, specifically, by that part of it called the hypothalamus. Indications TTG at pregnancy allow an observing physician to objectively assess the overall hormonal background of a woman. Any deviations from the norm may indicate complications of gestation.

Standards TTG during pregnancy

Until a woman's ovum remains unfertilized, the level of this hormone varies between 0.4 and 4 mU / L. The norm of TTG in pregnant women is somewhat lower, but should not exceed 0.4 mU / L. It should be noted that this information can only be obtained by passing blood for testing by a test system that has a high degree of accuracy. If the analysis of TTG in pregnant women was carried out using a test system with a low sensitivity level, the result may even be zero. A significant decrease in the hormone in the blood is characteristic of pregnancy with several fruits.

The lowest level of TTG during pregnancy is observed on the gestation period up to 10-12 weeks. It happens that the indicator of this hormone remains low or unchanged throughout the entire pregnancy, which can be an individual feature of the body. To judge about the presence of pathological changes in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman, only a gynecologist-endocrinologist or a doctor of narrow specialization can.

Elevated TSH level in pregnancy

If this situation occurs, the woman will most likely have to take an artificial hormone - a substitute for natural TSH. This decision is made on the basis of blood tests, diagnosis and palpation of the thyroid gland, which in the case of low TSH in pregnant women increases significantly in volume. If it is necessary for a future mother, additional types of research are prescribed, such as: aspiration biopsy, ultrasound, ultrasound.

Consequences of elevated TSH in pregnancy

A pathologically high content of a woman's hormone in a woman's blood can provoke miscarriage or contribute to the development of a fetal abnormality in the development of the brain.

In time, the therapeutic measures aimed at bringing the lowered hormone TTG into the norm during pregnancy will help to avoid the risk of the development of the brain in the fetus.