Pregnancy in the second half of pregnancy

Almost all future mothers are familiar with such a phenomenon as toxicosis , which torments them in the first trimester of pregnancy. But all the discomfort from the attacks of nausea, vomiting and ill health is nothing compared to the gestosis of the second half of pregnancy, which poses a huge threat to the life and health of not only the fetus, but also the pregnant one. It is not surprising that most women, after listening to the stories of more experienced friends and experts, wonder how to avoid gestosis during pregnancy.

Symptoms of gestosis in the second half of pregnancy

It's no secret that any disease is much easier to prevent than treat. But it's fair to say that a disease discovered at an early stage is also better treatable than a neglected disease. Unlike the relatively harmless toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy, early detection of late gestosis is almost the only way for a woman to avoid severe consequences.

Analyzing the responses of women who have experienced gestosis in the second half of pregnancy, you can identify several symptoms that accompany the disease. For example, the first signs of gestosis in the 3rd semester are swelling of the face and limbs. If a woman ignores these symptoms or the disease is asymptomatic, then there may be headaches, nausea, visual impairment and the occurrence of mental disorders. The gestosis of the second half of pregnancy in the last stage, called eclampsia, can cause kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, convulsions and fainting. Most often, placental edema occurs, which causes oxygen starvation and fetal death.

Treatment of gestosis in the second half of pregnancy

Treatment of pathology should be done in a medical institution or under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication and the use of alternative medicine are strictly forbidden. Typically, the doctor prescribes special drugs that increase the level of protein and fill the lack of fluid in the vessels.

If the treatment does not bring tangible results and the disease continues to progress, the only solution is to give birth. Most often, women who are diagnosed with gestosis of the second half of pregnancy, especially in its last stage, are given birth by caesarean section.

Causes and prevention

The causes of gestosis in the second half of pregnancy can be very diverse. As a rule, this is an abnormal endocrine system work, excess weight, high blood pressure, stresses, transferred infectious diseases, improper lifestyle and nutrition. At risk are also women who give birth with a small break (up to two years), as well as maternity leave under the age of 17 and field of 35 years.

As a preventive measure of gestosis, doctors recommend to exclude from the diet fried and smoked, canned foods and sweet, giving preference to vegetables and fruits. The regime of the day also has a value - healthy sleep, gymnastics, outdoor walks. Since gestosis of the second half of pregnancy in the first stage can be asymptomatic, the main condition for preventing the development of the disease is a periodic examination of the treating doctor, who will be able to conduct a number of special analyzes. In any case, the first adverse changes in the state of health should immediately seek medical help.