Pimafucin in Pregnancy

Pimafucin, often prescribed during pregnancy, is used in diseases of the reproductive system of fungal etiology. These disorders are mainly caused by yeast-like microorganisms. The most common disease that is known to almost every woman is candidamycosis, or simply, thrush. In view of the reduction of protective forces with the onset of gestation, quite often the future mothers face its manifestations.

What is Pimafucin?

The active substance of the drug is natamycin. This component belongs to the group of antibacterial, having a wide spectrum of action. However, despite this, it is almost harmless to the body. The substance is not absorbed from the digestive tract, from the surface of the skin, mucous, so it does not enter the total bloodstream, hence, to the fetus.

Can Pimafucin be Pregnant?

In view of the above-described fact, it should be said that the drug can be used during the bearing of the child. In this case, the most common form prescribed by physicians in such cases are vaginal suppositories.

With regard to the period of pregnancy, the candles Pimafucin can be used at both 1 and 2 trimester of pregnancy, and in 3 it is often prescribed with the purpose of sanation of the birth canal. The instructions clearly state that the studies conducted have not revealed a negative effect on the development of the fetus, the course of pregnancy in general. However, some future mothers, for a short period of time, are afraid to use the drug, even with the doctor's assurances about his safety.

How is Pimafucin usually administered to treat fungus in pregnant women?

To begin with, it should be noted that all appointments are strictly individual. That's why you should not resort to using the drug yourself, in the absence of medical prescription.

According to the instructions for the use of the drug Pimafucin, in pregnancy, 1 day per candle is enough to eliminate the symptoms of thrush. Best of all, if the future mother will install it for the night, after having undergone the toilet of the external genitalia. You need to enter deeply into the vagina, lying on your back, without using the applicator.

By all standards, the drug continues to be used for another 2-3 days after the symptoms of the disorder completely disappear. For the duration of therapy with this drug, sexual intercourse should be excluded. It is not superfluous to simultaneously receive treatment and sexual partner, which will eliminate repeated manifestations.

What are the side effects of use, and are there any contraindications?

As for contraindications, the leaflet indicates that the drug should not be used with individual intolerance of its individual components. In practice, this is noted quite rarely.

Concerning side effects, we can say that they are noted in women much more often. When using Pimafucin, the ladies complain about:

If such symptoms appear, the woman must definitely inform the doctor about this, who will review the list of prescriptions and write out another drug.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, Pimafucin is often used to treat fungal diseases that affect the reproductive system of a pregnant woman. Despite the seeming security, it is not worth using. This will avoid possible complications associated with improperly chosen dosage, multiplicity of application, duration of treatment.