Flowers in the interior

Modern decoration materials and novelties in the field of design make our house even more cozy. And truly enliven the interior will help representatives of the flora - our favorite indoor flowers. They not only purify the air and fill it with oxygen and useful phytoncides, but also bring a fresh note of greenery to the dwelling, which is so necessary with the modern rhythm of life.

Flowers in the interior of the living room

Here you can use absolutely any plants and their compositions - from fashionable bamboo and orchids to more customary ficuses and begonias. If your living room is a fairly spacious room, its interior will be decorated with flowers in elegant outdoor vases: araucaria, yucca or date palm. But be sure to observe the rules of light and shade, as well as the proportion of placing green pets, and pay special attention to lighting in the room.

Flowers in the interior of the kitchen

The kitchen interiors perfectly match the flowerpots with spicy herbs - parsley, basil, coriander. There are also more traditional options - ficus , aloe, anthurium, money tree. Choose unpretentious plants that will live well in a specific microclimate. And to emphasize the kitchen theme will help the use of all kinds of pots and jugs in place of standard vases.

Flowers in the interior of the bedroom

To fitodizaynu bedrooms should be approached more carefully, because this is primarily a place to rest. Do not forget that for this room not every plant is suitable. For example, cacti and any holly plants are considered unfavorable, while violets, chlorophytum or geranium, on the contrary, are preferable for a bedroom.

Flowers in the interior of the bathroom

Such a room, like a bathroom, will become a wonderful house for moisture-loving plants - alternate papyrus, cereal aire, Tradescantia or ferns . Pots for these flowers should be selected taking into account the general style of the interior, which in principle can be said about any room in the apartment.