Allium - planting and care

Onions on the plot can become not only a storehouse of vitamins and a wonderful ingredient for salad. It is also a beautiful ornamental plant that will decorate the flower bed no worse than flowers. A variety of shapes and colors of onions allium allows you to create full-fledged landscape compositions.

Allium - cultivation and care

Most varieties and varieties love good lighting, so choose sunny southern areas. The more light you get on the plant, the more intense will be the flowers and leaves of onions.

The soil must be loose and well drained. Best if it is weakly acidic or neutral. Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the earth: to make a rotted compost and a full range of mineral fertilizers. Decorative onion allium is sensitive enough to a lack of potassium in the soil.

Fertilize the land can be wood ash . As for irrigation, the plant tolerates short-term droughts or waterlogging. For full-fledged growth, especially during the growing season, constantly moist soil is very important. If watering is too lean, the growth of the leaves will stop, and after restoring the moisture level it will resume again.

When growing and caring for an allium it is important to properly prepare the bulbs for the new season. After the seeds are ripe and the foliage withers, they should be excavated and re-planted in the fall. If you leave the bulbs in the ground, then in conditions of humidity they almost certainly begin to rot. After digging, the onions are stored in a dry place at room temperature, the room should be well ventilated.

Allium landing

You can start landing at around the third decade of September. The ideal condition, when it is possible to plant an allium, is a temperature of about 10 ° C. The depth of planting is calculated from the height of the bulb itself: above its upper point there should be a layer of earth three times larger. So for each bulb we calculate the depth of planting individually.

Disembarkation is carried out in a slightly moistened well. Then the place is mulched with humus or peat. Roots will grow in the earth until the temperature in the zone of their occurrence reaches 3 ° С. Some varieties can be planted in the spring. Keep them in a dry and cool place. In order for the bulbs not to dry, they can be placed in sawdust or peat.

Decorative Allium Bow: Reproduction

When planting and caring for the allium, you will get good and healthy bulbs. Over time, the landing site will have to be thinned out. During this period you will find that a lot of children were formed on the mother bulb. They are perfect for breeding. As a rule, rhizome species multiply by division. They have a markedly active branching of shoots.

Can be propagated with the help of seeds. But here it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each variety. Some will go to growth only at the sub-winter planting, some after seed reproduction will begin to bloom only 3-8 years after planting.

Allium - varieties

Most often with the correct planting and care of the allium, you can get completely unique landscape compositions. Tall grades are great for creating mixborders, while undersized ones decorate slopes or alpine hills.

Some of the most beautiful varieties are Hair, Schubert's Bow, Mount Everest. In addition to decorating rock gardens or other flower beds, these bows are used for bouquets. For example, onion Hair not only has a spectacular appearance, but also has a pleasant aroma.

For lawns or lawns, Bow Roundhead and Purple Sensation are good. Due to the purple bright color, they look good against the background of green grass. It is best to plant them in large groups, then the decorative qualities will be fully revealed.