Clubfoot in children

Such a problem, as clubfoot, is one of the most common defects of the musculoskeletal system in children. This pathology is characterized by the fact that the baby can not put the heel of one or both feet flat on the floor. Many parents believe that clumsy with time passes by itself, and there is no sense in treating this pathology. And completely in vain - except for visual inconvenience, this problem brings the child painful sensations and possible complications in the form of violation of foot function, worsening of posture, development of scoliosis. Therefore, parents need to know how to correct a child's clubfoot.

Clubfoot in children: causes

There is an inborn and acquired clubfoot. The first is detected immediately after the birth of the crumbs and indicates systemic diseases. If it is not treated, the clumsy will progress. There are several causes of congenital clubfoot in children:

The acquired clubfoot, which occurs much less often, appears because of:

Kozolapie in children: signs

To suspect a child's club foot is quite simple, because the deformation of the feet is perfectly visible:

  1. The foot is turned inward, while its outer edge is raised, and the inner edge is lowered.
  2. The mobility of the ankle is limited.
  3. The child is characterized by a "bearish" gait.

Kozolapie in children: treatment

The problem of a foot defect is handled by a pediatric orthopedic surgeon on an outpatient basis. With congenital clubfoot, it is advisable to start treatment one week after the birth of the child, when the bones are still soft and eliminate the pathology more easily. At the same time, the application of shoes made of gypsum, special tires and bandages is applied on the feet. Appoint paraffin applications. The orthopedist can recommend the use of tutors - orthopedic devices that help fix the feet in the right position. The doctor can prescribe and therapeutic gymnastics. Particular emphasis is given to massage with clubfoot in children, performed by a specialist in a polyclinic or at home. This method of treating the defect of the feet is applied annually for 3-4 cycles until the pathology is completely eliminated. Also, the child needs to buy orthopedic shoes that fix the ankle joint and have a firm back. Useful for the feet will be a bath with the addition of an extract of needles. A child with club foot is recommended to record in the swimming section.

But how to cure a clubfoot in a child with the acquired form of pathology? Treatment in this case depends on the cause of the onset. So, for example, if the clubfoot has appeared due to the hypertonic muscle of the child, a relaxing massage will be prescribed. But in general, the same set of measures is used as with a congenital foot defect.

With a severe and neglected clubfoot form, when the conservative method of treatment does not give proper efficacy, plastic surgery on tendons and ligaments is indicated. Surgical intervention is possible when the child reaches 1 year. Early detection of clubfoot in a child will allow for early treatment, and then surgery will not be required.