Rice broth from diarrhea

Diarrhea is one of the most unpleasant conditions of the body. The disease severely limits the possibilities of the person and significantly worsens the general state of health, causes weakness and despondency. In this article, we consider the simplest and most proven means for diarrhea - rice broth.

What is useful for rice decoction?

The benefits of rice decoction is explained by the content of this coating agent. They protect the walls of the intestine from the effects of gastric acid, remove irritation. In addition, this action of rice broth improves the intestinal motility, promotes the correct formation of fecal masses.

Rice broth for diarrhea is considered the best astringent due to the high concentration of starch in this cereal. Thus, the superfluous liquid binds, the masses in the intestine become thicker. Moreover, the reception of rice broth prevents fermentation in the digestive organs and reduces the manifestations of flatulence, bloating.

One of the beneficial properties of the decoction of rice is its nutritional value. As you know, with diarrhea, the appetite disappears, the patient is even afraid to take any food and liquid, so as not to provoke an attack of diarrhea. Rice broth is able to fill a lack of nutrients in the body.

How to cook rice broth?

The easiest way to weld a remedy:

This tool is great for quickly removing symptoms of diarrhea and helps to improve the condition within an hour after the first reception of the decoction.

If the intestinal disorder is prolonged and diarrhea does not stop more than 2 days, a stronger medicine should be prepared.

Recipe for rice broth:
  1. Fry in a frying pan 5 tablespoons of pure ground rice without using oil.
  2. It is better to cook it on low heat until the grains turn golden.
  3. Grind the roasted rice in a coffee grinder and pour it with three glasses of clean warm water.
  4. Stir the ingredients and cook the mixture for 25 minutes on low heat, stir constantly.
  5. Cool the cream-broth to room temperature.

How to drink rice decoction?

The prepared preparation for the first prescription should be consumed by 0.25 cup per day. The interval between receiving the broth should be at least 2 hours, but not more than 3 hours. To enhance the effect of the drug, you can alternate drinking medication with the use of rice porridge, at least in small quantities.

Cream-decoction of rice should be eaten 1 tablespoon for 12 hours. The interval of reception does not matter, as well as the amount of decoction cream eaten. You can even completely replace their daily ration to speed up the relief of the condition with severe diarrhea, as well as with a long course of the disease.

If diarrhea in a small child - it is better to use the standard recipe for liquid rice decoction. In addition, you need to monitor the baby's well-being. In case of improvements, after the first intake of the remedy, you do not need to continue to drink it with broth, it is better to feed rye homemade croutons and give a strong tea with sugar. The child's organism regains itself much faster than the adult, and the intestinal microflora normalizes within 10-12 hours after improving the consistency of the stool.