Chinese medicine

Chinese folk medicine was formed over several millennia and during this time was able to prove its effectiveness. She has various methods of treatment - from acupuncture and massage to herbal medicine. Let's find out what is the peculiarity of each method and what diseases each of them cures.

Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine

Ancient Chinese medicine is closely connected with philosophical views, where it is believed that each person has a certain potential of vital energy that circulates along the meridians of the body. If there is a violation of circulation, then this or that disease arises, and the task of such medicine is to remove the blockage and resume the flow of energy.

The secrets of Chinese medicine are based on two positions: the first is that the best treatment is to prevent the disease by increasing the resistance of immunity and eliminating the impact of negative factors on the body. The second position is directly in the treatment: eliminating the cause of the disease and increasing the life energy of a person.

Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine and acupuncture. This type of Chinese alternative medicine has been used for a very long time. It is especially effective in rheumatic and headaches, because, according to legend, it arose when one worker came to the construction site with a headache, and when a brick fell on his leg, he noticed that his head did not hurt anymore. Of course, since then, acupuncture has improved and this method looks wild compared to those used in reflexology today.

It is believed that there are 360 ​​points on the human body that are responsible for this or that organ. With the activation of these points by the needles, a gradual cure occurs: it is believed that, because of the piercing, energy is released and the channels that are clogged are cleared.

Chinese medicine and massage. Point massage and gouache are classical representatives of Chinese traditional medicine. The first version of the massage is based on the same principle as acupuncture - the activation of points on the human body. In this case, apply pressure and circular motions of different strength. Gouache is performed with the help of a special scraper: the master conducts them on certain lines, in which energy stagnation occurs and by the flow of blood to them, the channels are cleaned. After such a massage bruises remain, but they do not cause painful sensations, and it is believed that the darker these spots, the more effective the massage was.

Chinese medicine and herbs. Also, Chinese folk medicine attaches great importance to the properties of plants. It is believed that there are 3 main groups of herbs: protectors, life-keepers and destroyers. Herbivores contain substances adaptogens, and therefore have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and overall vitality.

The main representative of this group of herbs is ginseng, which is prescribed for asthenia caused by poor adaptive abilities of the body: when changing seasons or other stressful situations. To the group of adaptogens also include Chinese magnolia vine and eleutherococcus.

To protectors include parsley, garlic, dill, coffee and tea, and to destroyers poisonous herbs.

Tibetan Chinese Medicine

Tibet Medicine has in its arsenal of many practices and recipes from natural ingredients that help get rid of diseases, but they are inextricably linked with the philosophy of Buddhism.

According to Buddhist philosophy, diseases arise at the information level in the mind, and then materialize into a destructive form. Therefore, all practices are aimed at harmonizing the mental and emotional principles in a person, and this is considered the main prevention of diseases. All methods of Tibetan treatment are aimed at harmonizing the three systems in the body: mucus, bile and wind.