Arthritis - treatment with folk remedies

Arthritis is a common disease in any age group, in which inflammation of the joints occurs. The causes of this process can be both complications of other diseases, and the consequences of various injuries.

Types of arthritis:

  1. Rheumatoid.
  2. Gouty.
  3. Psoriatic.
  4. Reactive.

Rheumatoid arthritis of joints - treatment with folk remedies

The causes of this form of the disease are not fully understood. Presumably, it develops against the background of autoimmune processes as a result of transferred infectious diseases. The course of the process is very slow, which makes it difficult to diagnose arthritis in the early stages.

Rheumatoid arthritis - folk remedies available means:

1. Treatment with a mixture of juices:

2. Treatment of arthritis with herbs:

3. Treatment of arthritis leeches:

Gouty arthritis treatment with folk remedies

This type of arthritis arises as a complication of gout due to the deposition of urate salts in the joints. The inflammatory process is acute and fast enough, it can affect the kidneys, which often leads to kidney failure.

Treatment of gouty arthritis at home:

1. Cowberry:

2. Eggplant:

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis with folk remedies

This form of the disease occurs in patients with psoriasis in 15-25% of cases. The exact causes of joint damage are unknown. The disease proceeds slowly, with deformity of the joints and severe pain.

Folk methods of treatment of psoriatic arthritis:

1. Spruce branches:

2. Linen compresses:

Arthritis reactive - treatment with folk remedies

The disease develops against the background of the transferred infection within a month. Often accompanied by bacterial lesions of the genitourinary system, conjunctivitis.

Folk methods of treatment of reactive arthritis:

1. Tincture on banana peel:

2. Kvass: