Grass Mullein

Herb Mullein is a two-year-old plant, which has been used for a long time in folk medicine. The royal scepter - as a mullein is called for the inflorescence brush that appears during flowering - is rich in useful substances and almost harmless to the body.

Herb Mullein - medicinal properties

The plant contains a large number:

Thanks to this composition, the herb mullein renders

Application of herb Mullein

The royal scepter is used to make different medicines. They can be used for indoor and outdoor use:

  1. The grass helps with a cold and saves during asthmatic attacks.
  2. Mullein has established itself as an excellent sedative.
  3. Decoction of the royal scepter is effective for dental and headaches.
  4. Infusions recommend to apply for dermatological problems: eczema , boils, diathesis, abscesses, panaritium, lichen, burns.
  5. Alcohol tincture shows remarkable results in the treatment of arthritis, radiculitis, rheumatism.

Grass Mullein from hemorrhoids

Mullein is considered one of the most effective means for treating hemorrhoids. Grass operative of many analogues stops bleeding and eliminates the inflammatory process in the hemorrhoids.

Many experts recommend taking sedentary baths with the decoction of the royal scepter.

How to drink broth herb Mullein from a cough?

The plant acts gently, but effectively. Infusions or decoctions should take two tablespoons before eating. If desired, you can make a decoction on milk and drink a glass of it with honey before going to bed.