Senna herb from constipation

The medicinal plant, called Alexandrian grass, has been used for many centuries in medicine. He was still used by the healers of Ancient India. Due to the slight laxative and choleretic effects, senna herb has earned a reputation as an excellent healer against constipation.

Application of senna leaves from constipation

The high effectiveness of Senna from constipation is due to the huge content of valuable components in it. And in particular, in this herb there are anthraglycosides, for which a vivid laxative effect is characteristic.

In addition, this herb is rich in the following elements:

In fact, while eliminating the problem - treating obstipation - the body is saturated with vital elements. And this, in turn, establishes the work of all internal organs and systems and prevents further failures.

In the fight against colitis and alimentary obstruction, the leaves of Alexandrian grass are used as infusions and decoctions. Moreover, in pharmacies this miraculous medicinal plant is sold in the form of tablets and chewing plates. On the effectiveness of such laxative pharmacy products are not inferior to anything broths or infusion of grass.

In the instructions for senna grass, used for constipation, contraindications are also contained. It is better to abstain from taking it in the following cases:

How to prepare a decoction and infusion of Senna from constipation?

At home, it's easy to make a miracle drink that gets rid of trouble.

Recipe for decoction of Senna from constipation


Preparation and use

The raw material is loaded into an enameled container and poured over with boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and place it on the water bath for half an hour. Then the broth is insisted at room temperature until it cools, and filters. Next, dilute the broth boiled with warm water until the initial volume. Drink the drug in the evening for half a glass.

Prescription infusion is sensitive to constipation


Preparation and use

Boiled cold water pour prepared raw materials and give him a day to brew. Extremely cool water should be used. If you take a hot water, it will cause sharp pains in the abdomen. The container with contents is periodically shaken and mixed. After 24 hours, the infusion is filtered and drunk. It is advisable to do all this before going to bed. The laxative drink will take effect in 6-8 hours.