How to develop a reaction?

Tell me, did you ever feel how a little smartphone rushed to the floor, slipping out of your awkward pens? Almost everyone was, yes? And who managed to catch a sensory friend, catching him almost at the very floor? What, only five? Then they recommend how to develop the speed of the reaction will not be needed, and all the others will even be useful, enough already smartphones on the floor to beat.

How to develop the reaction speed?

Psychology considers two types of reactions - simple and complex. A simple reaction is a response to one stimulus, and a complex reaction is to several at the same time. It turns out that you need to think about how to develop the speed of both simple and complex reactions.

It is useful to know that any reaction consists of three stages:

This knowledge gives us the key to understanding the nature of the reaction, the realization that in many ways it depends on the physiological characteristics that we can not influence. For example, no one can change the speed of the passage of a nerve impulse. But this does not mean that it is impossible to improve the response, because it affects the other components of it. When asked how to develop a quick reaction, each sport and activity, where necessary, respond in their own way, they have their own methods of training. But there are some tips, following which you can learn to react faster yourself.

How to develop the reaction with the help of exercises?

  1. For this exercise, you will need a friend and a tennis ball. A friend must take the ball in his hand and pull it forward. Your hands should be 5 cm above it when you are standing in front of it. Wait for the opponent to release the ball, and try to catch it. Also for the development of the reaction is perfect for such team games as baseball or lapta .
  2. If there is no friend, and there is a tennis ball, try another exercise. Stand in front of the wall, throw a ball into it and try to catch it.
  3. Improve the reflexes and the next easy exercise for vision . Take the pen, focus on it for a while. Then abruptly look at any other object in the room.
  4. Also, the speed of the reaction of running across rough terrain is well developed. This makes the brain react more quickly to the situation, helps improve reflexes, especially if you have to overcome obstacles, natural or artificial, during the run.

Games that develop the reaction

  1. Excellent develop the reaction of sports games such as handball, football, volleyball, badminton, tennis and table tennis.
  2. Well, computer games will also help, and it is not necessary to look for special, developing reactions, like "red square ", you can play various shooters, races, etc.
  3. Remember the children's game "Bouncers"? It is also perfect for your purpose. And in winter you can play snowballs. In general, all games with moving objects cause the brain to analyze the situation more quickly and make decisions.
  4. Not exactly a game, not quite a dance, not quite a martial art - capoeira, will also help improve the response. And he will teach to control his own body, develop flexibility and dexterity.

If you are thinking how to develop a good reaction quickly, then you will have to try something that is risky for life or health (extreme sports, parkour, for example) or at the risk of property (replace the ball with the iphone in the very first exercise). Well, what about instant achievement of the result is not so desirable?