Lingonberry with sugar for the winter

Among the forest berries, cranberries are especially prominent - this berry is especially rich in useful acids, prolonging youth, vitamins and microelements. If the berries are collected a lot, the question arises, how to cook lingonberries - with sugar or without - for the winter.

Preserving vitamins

If there is no need to store berries for a long time, usually cranberries are prepared, ground with sugar, this recipe is not suitable for harvesting for winter, but vitamins are not lost.



In the food processor we put the berries, which we first sort out, removing the dried and spoiled, mine, we fill with boiling water and dry it. Grind it in mashed potatoes. We fall asleep with sugar and mix, waiting for the sugar to dissolve in berry puree. We lay out our workpiece in sterile jars, tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator. However, if this mixture is decomposed into small plastic containers and frozen, then you can hold out until spring. If you do not have a combine or a chopper, you will get a cowberry with sugar for the winter if you skip the berries through a meat grinder. Just do not forget to wash the meat grinder well beforehand so that the workpiece will be quality.


If you do not have a large freezer, and you want to keep the berries until the next season, you will have to sacrifice some of the vitamins. Cowberry in syrup with sugar for winter is also quite useful.



We'll prepare the berries: we'll sort it out, we'll wash it and dry it. We fall asleep with sugar and leave them for about 5-8 hours. Fill with juice and start to cook. If there is no time to wait, warm the juice with sugar, stirring to make a syrup, pour it on cranberries and cook. When the mixture boils, make the smallest fire and do not forget to stir. After a quarter of an hour, you can pack the berries in sterilized jars and roll them up.

An unusual recipe

Cowberry with sugar for winter is prepared in many ways, recipes anyone can choose from a huge list of options. If you like berries, but the usual jams and compotes are boring, we are preparing a new dish. Wet lingonberry with sugar for the winter - it's very tasty.



Purely washed berries are placed in enamelware at least 10 liters. We shift spices and (if desired) fragrant herbs. At the pouring, dissolve the sugar-and-salt mixture in water. Covered cranberries covered in such a way that the capacity of the air, but did not get debris and insects. We keep about a week warm, and then take them to the cellar. We get both a snack, a treat, and the opportunity to surprise everyone with an unusual dish, and vitamins for a long time.