Jam from watermelon crusts for the winter

We are accustomed to enjoy the juicy red watermelon flesh and send the white crusts to the trash, but in fact, they can be turned into an amazing jam, the recipe of which has a very long history. To revive the undeservedly forgotten delicacy we take in this material, where we will understand how to make jam from watermelon crusts and keep it throughout the cold season.

Jam from watermelon crusts with orange



Cut off the red flesh and striped peel from the watermelon crusts. Peel the peeled cake and cut it into cubes of medium size. Now you have to do a painstaking, but grateful job - to prick each piece with a fork so that it absorbs as much syrup as possible while retaining the shape. In order for the jam to acquire a characteristic amber tide, the cake should be pre-filled with a solution of soda in a half liter of water. Leave the crusts to stand for 4 hours, then drain the water, and rinse the pieces well with water, leaving them to soak in clean water twice for half an hour before each subsequent rinsing.

The remaining water is mixed with granulated sugar and bring to a boil. In the boiling syrup, dip the crusts together with the orange peel strips and cook the treat until thick, about half an hour. Still hot, pour the jam from the watermelon crust into the jars and roll for the winter.

Jam from watermelon crust with mint



Peeled, sliced ​​and forked with watermelon peel pour the solution of soda (5 g of soda to 2.8 liters of water) and leave for 6 hours. Rinse and soak the crusts in clean water twice for half an hour. Prepare a simple sugar syrup , mixing the sand with water and bringing it to a boil. In the syrup we put the watermelon slices and cook them for about half an hour. Add mint, slices of lemon and leave the delicacy for 8 hours. Repeat the procedure two more times, and after the final boiling, we pour the jam into the jar and roll it up.

If desired, the recipe of jam from watermelon crusts can be repeated in a multivarquet, for this, cook jam in the "Baking" mode, alternating the process of active cooking with "Preheating" for 2-3 hours. Next it remains, as usual, to pour the delicacy into a clean container and close it.