Nervous Stress - Symptoms

Because of the strong stress, few people are insured. But it is he who causes the neurosis or, as it is still called, a nervous breakdown, the symptoms of which everyone must know in order to be in time ahead of the development of mental illnesses.

Symptoms of nervous breakdown in women

  1. Neurosis combines a group of mental illnesses, each of which has certain characteristics:
  2. Hysterical neurosis . The person who "attacked" such a nervous breakdown is a bit like the theater actor. Before the public, he is ready to fall, to scratch himself, bruises. True, when he is alone with his own "I", he is unharmed. In addition, such falls are accompanied by ohms and aham, sobbing, hysterical exclamations. Moreover, those who are not alien to the flexibility of the body, can arch in an arc. The most interesting thing is that the duration of such a seizure lasts, as a few minutes, and about an hour. If we talk about the consciousness of a sick woman, then it is inherent in the occurrence of anxiety, fear . Sometimes you want to feel sorry for her, like a child, after all, helplessness is manifested, not inherent in an adult person. There may be shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat.
  3. Neurasthenia . In other words, this nervous breakdown is called a compulsive disorder neurosis, which in women appears as a result of exhaustion of the nervous system under the long-term impact of any traumatic situation. Not a minute passes, so that such a person is not afraid of anything, is not frightened. You look at her and you understand that this person is unnecessarily wounded. He is indecisive in his actions, not sure of himself. Moreover, neurasthenics, as if they are playing psychoanalysts, and hourly are engaged in introspection, subject to detailed consideration any actions or doubts. They feel that they are suffering from a memory disorder. They forgot what it's like to be in a good mood. Irritable, sleep bad, reduced efficiency - that's who they are, people suffering from neurasthenia. In addition, against the background of all of the above, fears can develop for the similarity: "What if I die now?", "What if my heart suddenly stops?". Such obsessive fears give rise to no less intrusive actions, actions (obsessive rearrangement of furniture, office supplies on the table, etc.).
  4. Hypochondriacal neurosis . Symptoms of this nervous breakdown include excessive attention to your own health, unnecessary fears about the occurrence in your body of any incurable disease. It happens that such a person acquires a mental illness after one careless remark of the doctor. Of course, such a neurosis is cured, but until the person can say goodbye to him, she will have to make friends with insomnia , increased anxiety, palpitations and breathing, as well as the problem of intestinal dysfunction.
  5. Neurotic depression . Such a person is inherent in some inhibition of mental functions. His condition can be described as depressed, the mood is extremely dreary. In this case, depression and nervous breakdown go hand in hand. The appetite decreases, the future does not seem filled with joy and optimistic forecasts. If the neurotic does not cry every day, then he is necessarily in an irritable state.

Consequences of a nervous breakdown

It's terrible to imagine what the consequences of a strong nervous breakdown might be, if its symptoms are not capable of anything to please. Unambiguously, this leads to a deterioration in both physical and mental health. So, mental disorders of various character (depressive states, phobias, etc.), it is difficult for a person to find a common language with the society surrounding reality.

Treatment of the disease

If the symptoms of a nervous breakdown are detected in time, then it is subject to treatment. Just do not self-medicate. Contact a specialist, psychotherapist or psychologist. Do not be lazy to call an ambulance when you notice thoughts of suicide, harm to others, or when you realize that you are not able to fulfill your basic needs.