Individual psychological characteristics of personality

Individual psychological characteristics of personality can be discerned in the character, temperament , position of a person in life. In this article we will tell you the main individual psychological features that will contribute to a better understanding of the surrounding society and yourself.

Characteristics of individual psychological characteristics of the individual

In the individual psychological characteristics of the personality, the abilities take the leading place. From the abilities, namely, a lot of them you or not, depends on progress in activities, building relationships, the ability to quickly fit into life.

Equally important in these personality traits is character. Character - a fusion of individual psychological properties that open up throughout life in a person - attitude to yourself, to work, etc. The character is formed in the process of life, the base in the person is laid by the parents.

Often you can hear: "You are a temperamental person!". Another item takes in the individual-psychological characteristics of the personality temperament.

There are the following four types of temperament:

  1. Choleric. To know people with choleric temperament is possible due to increased excitability, restlessness and emotionality. Choleric - quick-tempered, straightforward and energetic.
  2. Sanguine. A sanguine man has a balanced, strong nervous system. It is typical for him to make quick and deliberate decisions, to develop in life such people will be washed by a positive attitude, purposefulness and self-confidence .
  3. Phlegmatic person. Uncommunicative people, sluggish. But, having undertaken the case, they will certainly bring it to its logical conclusion.
  4. Melancholic. Weak nervous system, hypersensitivity, depression and self-doubt - the main differences of melancholics from others.

Since the birth of the child begins to develop individual psychological characteristics. As far as a person succeeds in life, his positive attitude, purposefulness and energy will depend on how he was influenced by the environment at certain moments of his life. Researchers of personality traits note that by exercising and applying efforts, it is possible to radically change not only the character, but also the temperament.