What does the length of fingers say about the character?

Interesting information about a person can be found on the hand, not only on the lines on the palm , but also on the length of the fingers. Such information is useful, for example, to girls who go on a first date.

Relationship of finger length and character

Numerous studies, as well as the knowledge of palmists, have made it possible to identify the relationship between the length of fingers and certain features of a person's character. Of course, the information is generalized, but many details often coincide.

What the length of the fingers says about the character of the person:

  1. If the fingers are short, this indicates an excessive emotionality and impulsiveness of the interlocutor. Such people quickly become addicted to new ideas, but their fuse quickly fades away. Holders of short fingers are active and prefer to work in a team.
  2. By the average length of the fingers can be judged on such traits of a person's character as patience and conscientiousness. They can not be angry and irritated for a long time. For such people it is important that the work brings pleasure, otherwise they will not achieve a result.
  3. Talking about the fact that the length of the fingers speaks about the character, so this indicates the balance of the interlocutor. Such people almost never make rash decisions, and they are also responsible and executive. For them, quality is important, not quantity.

It is possible to judge the character and the length of individual fingers. For example, if the index finger is shorter than the nameless, this indicates charisma and determination. Such people easily cope with problems, but they are compassionate. If the index finger is longer than the ring finger, it is a signal that the person is self-sufficient, but at the same time he lacks determination. They are very valuable attention and praise of others. A person who has an unnamed and index finger of equal length is peaceful and conflict-free. He is faithful and faithful, and also organized.