Thinking and Speech in Psychology

In psychology, the thinking of every sane person has an indissoluble connection with her speech and between these two terms it is formulated as "a thought process that takes place in the speech form." Thoughts and words are interrelated. Even if you are proficient in several languages, at each moment you are given the opportunity to realize which of them focuses your thinking at the moment.

The connection between thinking and speech in psychology

There are several functions of speech, the main of which is to be a tool of thinking. Thought is formulated in a speech form. In it, it manifests itself. The unity of thinking and speech in psychology is reflected in the perception of the elements of reality, their understanding. In the process of thinking, this semantic component is a material, carried out specific operations. In the speech process, it is a kind of starting line, serving as a stronghold for creating verbal descriptions.

Speech is a form of thinking. Ask the question: "What language am I thinking now?". And at this moment you realize this relationship. After all, words act as an instrument of thinking for each of us. When you explain your point of view verbally, with the help of phrases understandable to others, you improve your thinking activity, and improve it.

Psychology marks the main, common between the concept of thinking and speech: their coexistence. The development of speech skills improves your own thinking. After all, sometimes the need to communicate something important, not easy at first sight, requires a careful thought over each word. The choice of expressions in this case requires you to deeply immerse in the essence of the expressed thought .

Thinking and speaking are not synonyms, not interchangeable terms. They are unity, the dominant role in which is given to thinking.