Weather on Szcenia - signs

The event is a church festival, which is celebrated on February 15. Since ancient times, people have used the energetics of this day for their own purposes, conducting various rituals, fortune-telling, etc. There are also many people's signs about the weather associated with the Meeting. They came to us from ancient times, when people used superstitions to determine the positive moments for sowing different cultures and for farming.

People's signs about the weather for the Savior of the Lord

People believe that this day is the struggle of winter with the summer. It is believed that if on the eve of this holiday the sky is clean and covered with stars, it means that the winter will not end soon and it is not worth waiting for the heat. In addition, the coming spring will be cool.

Other signs about the weather for Sfense:

  1. In the event that a thaw comes, the spring will be rotten. There is a high probability that fruits can not be tied up after flowering on fruit trees.
  2. The fact that soon will be warm, and the winter will recede, will witness a bright sun at sunset. Another sign is that if the sunset is clear, the strong frost will be on the day of Vlasy (February 24).
  3. If on this day on the road low blizzards blizzard, then expect a meager harvest. Since ancient times, the old people said that the blizzard, running across the road, sweeps away the future harvest. It is believed that the harvest will be so small that there is nothing to feed the animals.
  4. There is a sign to the Syllabus about snow, on which the harvest was judged, for this it is necessary to take into account at what time this happens. If there was a heavy snowfall in the morning, it is a harbinger of an abundant harvest of early bread. When such a change of weather occurs at noon, then the yield of wheat will be good, and if in the evening, it is necessary to expect a late and poor harvest of bread.
  5. Another famous sign - if it's snowing on the Sfense, then in the spring one should expect a lot of rain. The more snowfall, the stronger will be showers. In the event that the old snow lies on the ground, this has nothing to do with the matter.
  6. A common sign is that if there is a fog on the Fog, it means that there will be a lot of rains in the summer.
  7. On a good harvest of bread and fruit trees will testify to a quiet and cloudy day, set on the Savior.
  8. Since ancient times, people believed that a strong wind on this church holiday blows away evil spirits. It is believed that the stronger it is, the better will be the harvest of fruits. People even helped nature on that day, for which they went out into the street and shook the trees in the garden.

There are other signs associated with this ecclesiastical holiday. For example, it is believed that if you put money on the kitchen table that day, then luck can leave the house for a long time. There is one ancient tradition for the Rare Mountains - it is necessary to feed tribal birds. Chickens are given oats to they went better and the eggs were large. It is recommended that the household be engaged on this day, for example, the cattle were driven out into the corral, trees whitened, etc. On this holiday, it is also customary to bake pancakes, which are symbols of the Sun. People believed that they attracted such warmth.

There are many pagan rituals associated with the Presentation, for example, the priests of the Sun met rituals to greet the heavenly luminary. When the sun is at the zenith, it is necessary to burn a doll made of straw, called Erzovka. It is a symbol of the spirit of Fire and the God of Love. It is customary to decorate a doll from straw with various gifts, and during the burning it is necessary to ask for well-being. Since ancient times, people believed that such a ritual allows you to chase away the cold and lure heat and a good harvest. The lovers turned to the doll to strengthen the relationship.