"Girl's Tears" salad: 6 useful recipes

Under such a sad name are hidden different salads, which unites one - each of them contains in its composition such an ingredient as a radish. We rarely use it for food and very vainly. After all, it contains just a huge set of vitamins and microelements, thanks to which this vegetable has a bactericidal effect. Interesting options for a salad "Girl's Tears" are waiting for you below.

Recipe for salad "Girl's Tears"



Radish is peeled and soaked in cold water for at least an hour. Chilled boiled meat is cut into strips. Hard cheese and radish three on a large grater. Garlic is cleaned and let through the press. Onion cut into half rings or rings and fry in butter. Dill, dried and finely chopped. All the ingredients are combined, add mayonnaise, mix and if necessary, add salt.

"Girl's Tears" salad with cranberries



Boiled meat is cut into cubes, we clean the radish and three on a grater. Eggs boil hard boiled and finely crumbled. The berries of my cranberry and dried. All the ingredients are combined, add sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. And before serving, we decorate it with parsley sticks.

"Girl's tears" with apples



For salad it is better to take apples of acid varieties. We clean them from the peel and three on a grater. In the same way we do with the radish. Onions cut into rings and we pour boiling water over it to make the bitterness go away. Also it can be marinated in a mixture of water and vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio and stand for about 20 minutes. We combine onions, apples and radish and dress it all with mayonnaise or sour cream.

"Girl's tears" salad with cottage cheese



We clean the radish and three on a large grater. Peeled raw carrots three on a small grater, onions cut into half rings. We combine the ingredients, add cottage cheese, sour cream and salted salad to taste.

"Girl's Tears" salad with green radish



Salad lay out layers, each lubricating mayonnaise, in this order: 1st layer - a green radish, grated on a large grater; 2nd layer - chopped onions; 3rd layer - boiled meat boiled in cubes; 4th layer - raw carrots, grated. The top of the salad can be greased with mayonnaise and if desired, decorate, for example, with dill or parsley.

"Girl's Tears" with chicken



Chicken filet cook until ready in salted water. When it cools down, we disassemble it into fibers. Onions cut into half rings and fry it until golden in vegetable oil. Green radish is cleaned and three on a large grater. We connect all the ingredients, add homemade mayonnaise , pepper and salt to taste. Easy salad with chicken ready!

As you can see, all salads are absolutely easy to prepare, while they are tasty and useful. And if you have to start a tear, it's only when you rub the radish on the grater. But this is also compensated by the idea that your family will be fed with an incredibly useful dish.