Alexander Skarsgard about Margot Robbie: "She suffers from kleptomania"

After the adventure tape "Tarzan. Legend "came out on the screens, talk about the actors involved in it, do not cease. So, the other day the Swede Alexander Skarsgard, who played in the picture of Tarzan, told an interesting fact from the life of his colleague on the shooting of Margot Robbie.

The actress likes to take props from the set

A few days ago, Alexander was invited to take part in the broadcast on FM-Nova radio, in which the actor and the presenter talked about working on the film "Tarzan. Legend". However, after the next few stories about how Skarsgard was preparing for the role and was filming in this tape, he remembered Margot Robbie, saying these words:

"I worked with Margot not just fine, but excellent. She is clever in every sense of the word. In addition, I admire her beauty and the lack of a star fever at Robbie. But you know, she has one feature. She suffers from kleptomania. I, for example, still can not find my loincloth. I think that it was she who took Margo to her house. Most likely, she just found her before I did, and decided to follow her habit. Robbie loves to take props from the set as a memory. But I do not see anything wrong with that. Margot, we still love you! ".
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This is not the first case

Of course, Alexander told all this on the radio in a joking manner, because, most likely, he was even flattered by the fact that such a beauty as Robbie took with her the element of Tarzan's wardrobe. But the actress herself not so long ago in one of her interviews confessed that sometimes she makes things out of the hotels:

"Do not you think, I do not take bathrobes with slippers, but sometimes the hotels benefit greatly. For example, I found out that my good friend stopped at the hotel in the city where I was shooting. I really wanted to see her and I, despite my crazy schedule, went to visit her. From there I did not go out empty-handed. I took a roll of toilet paper with me. And not because I do not have money to buy it, but because I was in a terrible hurry, and I simply did not have time to shop. "

Of course, kleptomania is not called, but hotels should henceforth be careful with such visitors, and then you never know what ...