How to grow a good tomato crop?

It's not so easy to get a plentiful and high-quality tomato crop, because the whole process from seed selection to seedling care has its own peculiarities and secrets. The answer to the question of how to get a rich harvest of tomatoes can be divided into three main stages. We will discuss them below.

How to properly prepare the soil?

Never add too much peat before planting, and black fat land is generally better avoided: it is likely to contain a lot of chemicals, which will ruin the seedlings.

For forcing seedlings (namely, the seedling method in most cases gives maximum results), it is best to purchase a common primer. Before you grow a good tomato crop, you should properly prepare the soil. Pre-disinfected with hot water. Famous methods with calcination of soil or treatment with boiling water experienced summer residents do not recommend, as together with the pathogenic microflora, everything useful is destroyed.

Consider the basic tips on how to grow a large crop of tomatoes.

  1. It is not necessary to deepen the seeds into the soil, it is enough to drop them to 5 mm.
  2. Usually, the beginning of the landing is in the early spring, when the balconies are still quite cold. First, all the glasses or boxes with seedlings should be placed closer to the battery. As an alternative, you can use a window sill, but here it is important to protect all the shoots from sunlight, so be sure to use a shading film.
  3. With warming, the seedlings are transferred to a cooler place, thereby hardening them. As the growth sprouts dive into more spacious pots, and as soon as the temperature reaches the temperature of 15 ° C, you can safely move everything to the balcony.
  4. Soil preparation begins in autumn during digging. Dredging the site to a depth of about 25 cm and adding additional fertilizing: for sandy soils - this is manure humus, for clay soil suitable additive in the form of coarse sand and peat.

How to plant the seedlings to get a big tomato crop?

So, the seedlings are ready for planting in a permanent place. Now it's important to transplant it correctly, as you can get a big tomato harvest only from strong bushes. It is important to monitor the temperature. The fact is that tomatoes do not like sudden changes in cold and heat. With a strong heat, the fruits simply burn, but with a significant decrease - their growth stops. So periodically ventilate the greenhouses and keep the temperature within 25 ° C.

No less important aspect is good lighting, because it is due to the sun that the fruits are delicious and useful. If the sun is not enough, the tomatoes will be shallow, and the bushes themselves will be sluggish and painful. The light day should last about 10-12 hours. One of the ways how to increase the yield of tomatoes , remains top dressing. It is important to prepare the soil not before planting, but annually. Do not forget about the correct choice of the landing site - every year this should be new beds. Choose the right predecessors, too, since you will get a good tomato crop only if the order of vegetables is correctly observed in the beds: for tomatoes, the best predecessors are cucumbers with zucchini and others from the pumpkin family.

The secrets of a good tomato harvest are to avoid two typical mistakes of beginning gardeners:

You can get a plentiful harvest of tomatoes only with proper care. Water better with water at room temperature, along the furrows or under the root. The secret of delicious tomatoes is covered in well-moistened soil and dry air. Do not forget about pasynkovanie, fertilizing and, of course, the prevention of diseases and pests.