When to plant winter garlic?

Spring plantings of garlic, as well as autumn, suggest strict compliance with technology. It can not be said that the rejection of all the advice will necessarily lead to a loss of harvest, but this crop will be meager and substandard. All the little things are important from when you will put winter garlic, and to the intervals between plantings. All these subtleties we will consider below.

Is it possible to plant winter garlic in the spring?

For a start, we'll figure it out with a moment that interests absolutely all gardeners. It is not always successful landing under the winter, and the planting material can not store the germination forever. So it is quite natural to ask whether it is possible to plant winter garlic in the spring. Ordinary summer resident most likely shakes negatively his head. But gardeners, who know how to feel cultures, and who know many tricks, will advise a small experiment.

It is just you growing the winter variety in the spring. But this does not mean that we will start work in March. Just like in the autumn landing, we will disassemble the denticles suitable for planting the head of garlic. Then, soak them in the growth stimulator for about eight hours. Next, we moisten and squeeze the cotton cloth, we wrap our teeth in it. We wrap the fabric in a bag and put it all on a shelf for vegetables in the refrigerator.

During the winter, periodically open the sachet and re-moisten the fabric. To plant winter garlic this method is necessary when the earth warms up. By that time, you will already have five centimeters of root. But before the furrow under the landing it is desirable to warm in the sun for several hours, so it's important to choose a sunny and warm day for planting. In the end we fall asleep with humus and wait for germination.

In which month to plant winter garlic?

If you are looking for specific dates and dates, then you will not be able to find them. The fact is that in many ways the answer to the question, when you need to plant winter garlic, depends on the place of your residence. If it is a question of warm regions, the beginning of work falls on November. In colder latitudes this is the end of September-October.

However, it is worth looking for not so much a calendar period as a weather forecast. More correct is the question, at what temperature to plant winter garlic. If the weather forecasts are settled and the night temperature fluctuates within 10 ° C, it's time for the garlic to land.

At what time to plant winter garlic and how to do it correctly?

Correctly chosen terms are only half the case. If you treat negligently the preparation of beds and planting material, the harvest may not justify your expectations. The time when you can start to plant winter garlic, comes after the following stages:

  1. We prepare the soil . Sites fertilized this year with manure, do not take a landing. The teeth will turn loose, but the tops are too tall. Ideally, it is loose and neutral soil, loam or sandy loam. if desired, the soil can be additionally fertilized . Places with a close occurrence of water are not suitable. As forerunners, we choose tomatoes, zucchini and cucumbers.
  2. In order not to play the lottery and just be sure of the quality of the planting material , we use the garlic grown near your site. We select the largest denticles, without damage and damage to diseases. As a rule, only external teeth are used, they give the best yield. For a pre-germination, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate is suitable.
  3. After these preparations, you can begin the landing. The depth is about 15 cm. If the region is cold and there is a possibility of strong frosts, it is worth additionally to cover the beds of mulch in a layer of 10 cm more. As mulch, we choose the most common for us peat, leaves and humus.