Communication skills

"Communicative" - ​​how often we see, or we use this word, for example, in a summary when describing our positive qualities. Many people think that communicability and sociability are two concepts between which one can put an equal sign. However, this is far from the case: communicability is not just sociability - it is a person's ability to establish contacts and connections with different people, the ability to conduct constructive dialogue in any situation, both verbally and in writing. In achieving this, just help communication skills.

Types of communication skills

Often communicative skills and abilities are divided into:

Developing communication skills

The formation of communication skills occurs in humans almost from birth (oral communication skills). In this process, the nearest environment of the child plays a decisive role - first the family, then comrades in the kindergarten group or friends on the playground, later the school and classmates. If at the earliest stage the child did not receive enough communication, then often later (in school, in adulthood), he has problems in establishing social ties.

Also important is the innate characteristics of a person - temperament, personality type (introvert, or extrovert), the presence or absence of any speech disorders. Agree, an extrovert child with the temperament of a sanguine or choleric person, is much easier to adapt in any children's collective than, for example, an introvert melancholic, therefore, and in adulthood, he will be much more sociable.

This is what concerns oral communication, the basic written communication skills are formed at school age, when the child learns written language. It also does not do without pitfalls, for example, such as dyslexia and dysgraphia - are manifested in the inability to master reading and writing, or just writing (dysgraphy), with normal intellectual development. These violations, of course, are amenable to correction, but a person who has experienced similar disorders in childhood, and in adulthood has some problems with the transfer of written information.

Improving communication skills

Communicative communication skills have always played a big role in a person's life. After all, those people who own them in perfection, often achieve great success, both in work and on a personal front. Therefore, if you are not lucky enough to be born with unique oratorical abilities, then it is worth thinking about how to improve your communication skills. For this, there are many options for psychological training, most often group ones. In everyday life, communication with people from different social strata will help develop communicative abilities. Act as the initiator of communication, When talking, try to control facial expressions and gestures . This can help training in front of a mirror. We also need to remember that effective communication is impossible without the ability to listen, so you need to watch to ensure that the speech was as brief as possible, and at the same time as informative as possible.

And in conclusion: of course, communication skills are very important, especially in professions oriented to work with people, there is simply no anywhere without communicability. However, do not forget that in order to take place in the professional sphere, you need to be a real expert who understands the specifics of production (in other words, it does not matter how communicative the chef is if he does not know how to cook). And in personal life it is important to be not only communicative, but also just a good person.