The correct daily routine

Every week, on Monday we promise to start a new life. Someone decides to go in for sports, someone - to go on a diet, and someone to do self-improvement. Monday passes and we find hundreds of reasons that prevented us from implementing all our grandiose plans. We have to wait for the next Monday, not to start a new life on Tuesday. In the meantime, we are waiting for the beginning of a new week to rise and puzzled, why we wake up in the morning, as if we were beaten all night, why do not you want to do all day, why all our plans violate some unforeseen circumstances?

The answer to this question is simple: in our life there is no clear order. We often do not what we need and at the wrong time. In order to start a new life you do not need to wait for Monday, you need to act right now. A healthy lifestyle and daily routine are very important in the life of every woman. Therefore, having painted all your affairs, you not only organize your time, but also become healthier, more beautiful and more successful.

A new life begins with planning. Planning time is very important in our life. It happens so often that we spin like a squirrel in a wheel, and the result is zero. To combat the waste of time it is necessary to know how to make a daily routine. Having painted all your business and activities, you can get rid of unnecessary fuss and nonsassembly, do not constantly ask yourself what you forgot or did not have time to do. Your day will become more productive and full.

What should be the daily routine?

The order should be balanced, saturated and suitable for you. Write down everything that you plan to do, exactly to the minute. Do not forget to put sports training into the plan. They are just necessary for a healthy daily routine. Write down only what is really important to you and do not plan beyond your capabilities. If you plan daily hourly jogs and do not cope with it, then there is a chance that you will abandon them altogether. In addition to sports and recreational procedures, every woman's daily routine should include the care of the body, hair and skin. Do not forget about regular visits to the doctor.

How to make a daily schedule

There are some rules that must be followed when drawing up an action plan. The most basic rule is an individual approach. Each of us needs a certain time for sleep, rest, work. Everything is taken into account: the presence of family, work, study.

The daily routine of the person should be made every evening and the next day should be painted in it. When planning tomorrow, pay special attention to the work. It's not just about performing job duties. Includes all work: cleaning, childcare, cooking. After planning work, do not forget about the rest. We all rest in different ways, some people watch their favorite movies, others play with children, others simply lie on the couch. Important: work should take up most of the time than rest.

Classify all your tasks, focusing on their importance. Primary tasks can be selected in a certain color. For example, highlight the most important and urgent tasks in red, slightly less important - orange, tasks without which you can do at all - yellow.

Plan your weekend. Select at least one day a week for doing nothing, get busy on this day with your favorite things: meet friends, visit your parents, go with the children to the zoo.

Familiarize your family and friends that now you have a clear plan and you can break it only in emergency situations.