What kind of speech is it?

Thanks to speech, which is the most diverse, a person expounds his thoughts, his attitude to the world around him, things, other people. In other words, it reflects its inner world, the breadth of consciousness.

What are the forms of speech?

Depending on the situation, human speech acquires this or that character, as a result of which several of its varieties are distinguished:

  1. Outside . This kind of speech is written or oral, which, in turn, has a number of psychological differences, features. When a person tells something, he perceives the reaction of his interlocutor. When writing, the author sometimes does not know anything about his reader, so there is no connection between them, which creates some difficulties.
  2. Internal . It does not appear to be a means of communication. It can not be heard by others. Thought is what she is. The most interesting thing is that such a speech in a person is never unfolded, filled with complex sentences, which are encountered when external. Psychologists explain this fact by the fact that the individual understands the meaning of what has been said and does not need extra explanations. True, there is a category of people who use detailed phrases. They have some difficulties in thinking processes.

What are the genres of speech?

Monologue, dialogue and even polylog. Everyone in his life used all three speech genres. It's just that we do not always think what kind of speech it is in terms of its genre. That, for example, when someone defends a diploma, says the report, at this moment he is conducting a monologue. In a situation where two friends met and they need to discuss everything in the world, there is a dialogue or conversation between two lovers can also be called this genre. And so communication with a group of colleagues at lunchtime can be called a polygraph. In other words, it is a genre of speech that is formed as a result of communication of more than 2 people.