The purpose and meaning of human life

The main humanities, psychology and philosophy, the purpose and meaning of a person's life are determined in different ways. There are many interpretations of these concepts, and everyone has the right to decide which one is closer to him.

The purpose and meaning of human life from the point of view of psychology

Leading psychologists still can not agree on what is meant by the purpose and meaning of life. A single definition of these terms does not exist. But each person can choose the point of view, which seems to him the most rational. For example, A. Adler believed that the purpose of an individual's life in meaningful activity, which, in turn, is part of a large overall design. Russian scientist D.A. Leont'ev adhered to a similar opinion, only believed that the meaning of activity - not a single entity, there must be a whole set of meanings. Otherwise, the goal of the existence of the individual will not be achieved. K. Rogers believed that the meaning of life should be everyone's own, because for each individual experiences through which he perceives the world. V. Frankl wrote that washed away the existence of personality stems from the meaning of the existence of the whole society. The universal meaning and purpose of life, in his opinion, does not exist, it all depends on the type of social system. Freud did not in any way define the meaning of being, but noted that one who denies his existence is undoubtedly sick. K. Jung believed that self-realization is the goal and meaning of a person's life, the full embodiment of his self, his "I", the disclosure of himself as an integral individual.

The purpose and meaning of life in terms of philosophy

Philosophy also does not give an unambiguous answer to the question, what is the single goal and meaning of a person's life. Each current offers its own interpretation of these concepts. Including:

Philosophers-theologians believe that man is not at all capable of comprehending the meaning and purpose of his existence. Yes, he does not need it, this is the sphere of divine providence.