11th Week of Pregnancy - What Happens?

The penultimate week of the first trimester arrived. It would seem that a woman has just learned about her pregnancy, and already passed a third of the way. During this period, the well-being of the expectant mother stabilizes, the hormonal level returns to the norm corresponding to this position.

The abdomen is 11 weeks pregnant

Because of the difference in the physique of women, you can not talk about some strict size of the tummy. All this individually. Someone will find an interesting position soon, especially if the future mother has a surplus of weight, while the slender ones, on the contrary, already in this period distinguish the barely emerging tubercle in the lower abdomen.

The uterus at the 11th week of pregnancy has grown enough, and from that time is actively increasing with each passing day. There are already sensations, the so-called tone - tension in the lower abdomen, which is not accompanied by pain. This is normal if it occurs infrequently.

Breast at 11 weeks of gestation

Unpleasant burgeoning and painful sensations practically came to naught, - the organism got used to its "pregnant" condition. But the mammary glands are gradually increasing. Now to change a bra to a new size, some women have to literally every month, and therefore a rational purchase will be underwear, which has the ability to "grow" with the breast.

General health at 11 weeks gestation

Emotions continue to rage - a joyful upbeat mood can instantly be replaced by sadness, and even a stream of tears, literally from scratch. After all, the first trimester is so remarkable that even in the unstable emotional balance in a woman, you can recognize a future mother even without a test.

But the desire to sleep on the go gradually recedes, and the pregnant woman becomes much more cheerful than any couple of weeks ago. Toxicosis gradually comes to naught, although it is especially "lucky", it may still be present for some time.

If the smells are no longer irritating and there is no urge to eat due to food intake, then mommy, hungry during the toxicosis, strive to catch up. Here it is trapped by a trap - in fact the weight can be typed very quickly, especially due to all sorts of sweets and muffins, and until the end of pregnancy, oh how far, and there is a risk of very recovering and fattening a large baby that promises problems in childbirth.

What happens to the digestive system at the 11th week of pregnancy? The unreasonable use of harmful food, an unbalanced menu, often lead to constipation and heartburn. These very unpleasant and even painful phenomena can be avoided if you eat a variety and not particularly high in calories. Very healthy from constipation leading to hemorrhoids, raw vegetables and fruits, and from heartburn are good and healthy dairy products.

Fetus at 11 weeks of gestation

The baby is already about the size of a small plum and weighs about 8-10 grams. He is rapidly developing and improving his motor skills. When performing an ultrasound examination of the first trimester, the CTE of the fetus at 11 weeks of gestation is between 45 and 60 mm.

The kid already knows how to raise and lower the head, reacts to noise and bright light from the outside, already mastering grasping movements, for this the umbilical cord perfectly fits. The digestive system develops - the child swallows and passes through itself a large number of amniotic fluid.

The ultrasound, which is carried out on the 11-12th week of pregnancy, can already determine the sex of the child under favorable conditions for this. The sexual tubercle, which was formed at week 7, has already been transformed into female or male genital organs. If mom was told what gender her baby is, then she has no reason to doubt - now this is clearly visible.