Can pregnant women wear heels?

Future mothers want to look good and dress fashionably. And this desire is natural for every woman, so pregnant women should not give up the pleasure of being attractive. For many girls shoes with heels are an important element of the outfit. But during the period of carrying out crumbs in the body, a number of changes take place, which require compliance with certain time constraints. Because it is worth to find out whether it is possible for pregnant women to walk on their heels. So, the future mother is important to understand if her actions will not harm the baby.

Possible consequences

For a woman to draw conclusions, she should carefully study this issue. Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to understand what the consequences are fraught with the choice in favor of such shoes:

All this explains why many believe that pregnant women can not wear heels. If a girl walks in such shoes, then her legs will quickly get tired, cramps of the calf muscles are possible. The gait of expectant mothers changes, it becomes somewhat awkward. In some cases, a pregnant woman with heels may look a little funny, not attractive.

General recommendations

Understanding the question of whether pregnant women can wear heels, it is worthwhile to find out a few points. Despite such serious arguments against, the ban is not categorical. You can not wear your favorite shoes all day. But if a woman goes to some event, then heels will not harm the body. After returning home, it is useful to make the legs relax the bath and massage.

For those who have the last two terms in the winter, the answer to the question of whether to wear high heels during pregnancy will be negative. This is associated with a high risk of injury due to weather conditions. At this time of year, it is better to choose shoes on the sole, which will not slip very much. Boots or boots should be stable, with a convenient clasp, without laces on the boot.

Also, finding out whether it is possible to walk on his heels during pregnancy, it is important to remember that flat soles are also harmful to the future mother. Therefore, it is worth to choose a stable heel around 3-4 cm.