Fetal position

Under the position of the fetus in the abdomen of a pregnant woman is understood the ratio of the axis of the fetus to the axis of the uterus. The axis of the fetus, in this case - is a conditional imaginary line, passing along the back of the future child from the nape to the coccyx.

The only correct position of the fetus in the uterus, provided by the mother-nature, is the longitudinal position, in which the axis of the baby and the axis of the uterus coincide. In this situation, the birth is natural, with minimal discomfort, for both mother and newborn baby.

Meanwhile, in 0,5-0,7% of cases, doctors diagnosed the wrong position of the fetus in the tummy of a future mother. For a long time, a woman may not even know about this state of affairs, because it does not affect the course of pregnancy.

Possible unnatural positions of the baby

The wrong position of the fetus can be transverse, in which the axis of the future baby is perpendicular to the axis of the uterus, and oblique, in which these imaginary lines form an acute angle at the intersection.

Most often in a situation where the crumb takes an unnatural position in the mother's abdomen, a planned operation of cesarean section is used for her delivery. In addition, this problem represents a serious danger in the event of the onset of premature birth. If a pregnant woman does not receive timely medical help, serious consequences are possible, such as loss of the baby's limb, loss of mobility, severe blood loss or rupture of the uterus. In this regard, the future mother with such a pathology in advance hospitalized in the antenatal department of the maternity hospital.

Talk about the location of the fetus in the belly of the mother until the 30th week of pregnancy does not make sense, because the baby is still too small and freely moves to the uterine cavity, changing its position several times a day. In the third trimester of expecting a child, a doctor can diagnose also the unstable position of the fetus.

This means that the baby lies head to the cervix, but its back is slightly inclined. In this situation, it is necessary to do special exercises and wear a bandage, otherwise the fruit can turn in the wrong direction and finally take an oblique or transverse position.

Many future mothers are wondering how to determine the position of the fetus in the uterus. To do this, it is necessary to feel the stomach with hands, but it is rather difficult to do, especially in case of polyhydramnios and other factors.