How to plant a lemon in the home?

Who among us at least once in my life did not try to grow a lemon at home? Sticking a stone in a pot, in which is already growing some kind of house flower and waiting, whether it will come through. And then you rejoice that there was a sprout and you start to wait for flowers, and maybe a lemon will grow? But the miracle does not happen, because of the grown from the bones of the store lemon plant nothing sensible can not come out.

To make the lemon fruit, it must be grafted. And then, even after vaccination, you do not have to wait for the result soon. Sometimes it should take several years for the plant to blossom. Although there are varieties that bloom in the year of vaccination, and bear fruit - the next year. These are lemons of varieties Meyer and Dioscuria. But how to plant a homemade lemon so that it fructifies - we'll talk about this.

How to plant a lemon so that it fructifies?

There are several ways how to plant a lemon at home:

And you can not vaccinate on a lemon, but also on an orange, mandarin, kumquat, pamelo and other citrus plants. Even that which was grown from the stone.

Lining is the insertion of a kidney taken from a branch with a thin layer of wood in the root of the rootstock. This kidney is somewhat like an eye, that's why it's called (from the Latin oculus - eye). This method is used very often.

Inoculation with a cut (rootstock) involves the use of a branch with several leaves. You can graft into the cleft and the bark.

Copulation is one of the varieties of grafting by cuttings, but in this case the stock and the graft should be the same in thickness.

When asked whether a lemon grown from a bone should be planted, and whether it will be of any use to him, you can answer this: You need to plant a stem from a fruit tree that is already fertile, you can put lemon on a grown house, but not vice versa.

So, back to how to plant the lemon in the home. To do this, you need to cut from the fruiting tree (once again emphasize this point) the tree of stalks, it is desirable to do this immediately before the procedure of grafting. If these actions inevitably take some time to pass, then you need to at least wrap the cut shoot with a damp cloth.

The best time for the inoculation is the period April-May, when the active sap movement is already taking place. Pre-treat the pruner with alcohol so as not to infect the tree with infection. Also prepare the garden var to coat the place of the cut on the mother plant and on the cuttings.

Cut the rootstock at a height of 5-6 cm. On the privo (cut off cuttings), leave the top 3 leaves, the others - remove. Above the top sheet in a centimeter from it with a conventional pruner shear and work with a garden fume. The lower cut is made by inoculum pruning shears. It is extremely important not to touch the slices with your hands.

Privovoi insert into the stock, at the maximum combining the cambium (tissue in the stem), wrap the grafting site with the graft in the direction from top to bottom.

At privo you need to cut off the leaves or reduce them. It is desirable to put the plant under a jar or in a transparent plastic bag. Ventilate this "hothouse" you need twice a day.

After a week, gently touch the petioles of the leaves - if they easily separate, this means that the vaccination was successful.

To increase the chances of success, you need to choose the right stock. Do not try to plant lemon on trifoliate, because this plant has little in common with citrus. It looks attractive, but for the winter throws off its beautiful crown, because it is not an evergreen plant and generally refers to another genus.

For beginners the best stock will be orange or grapefruit. And it is desirable to use a dwarfish stock so that the tree does not grow over time.