How to make a box of paper?

Increasingly, gifts are packed in boxes, but it is not always possible to find the finished one that is needed, so you can make it yourself. There are several ways of making boxes of cardboard paper with your own hands . With some of them you will get acquainted with our article.

Master class №1 - a box of paper

It will take:


Cap collection

  1. Take a smaller square, measure from its each edge to 3-4 cm and draw.
  2. Cut the lines marked in red in the picture. Do it very carefully, so as not to go beyond the borders.
  3. We bend up all the other lines.
  4. We apply glue to the corner squares and press them to the next side, as shown in the photo.
  5. To bend the glue well they can be fastened with paper clips and leave for 30 minutes.

Fabrication of the main part

  1. We take a large square. We divide each side into 3 equal parts (10 cm each).
  2. Mark the red on 2 lines on each side, going in opposite directions. (as shown in the photo) and cut them.
  3. Bend into the remaining lines.
  4. We apply glue on the opposite side of 2 opposite corner squares.
  5. Raise the sides so that the white side of the angled triangle is glued to the adhesive side. The following construction should be obtained.
  6. We spread the glue squares squeezed into the sides and press them to the sides.
  7. The lower part is ready.
  8. We decorate the top, we tie a ribbon and our gift box is ready.

How to fold a rectangular box from paper?

It will take:


  1. We apply a template to each corner of the paper and draw a circle around it.
  2. Cut out the lines and fold the sides in half.
  3. We fold each of them once again and bend it back.
  4. We bend inwards the detail protruding from the left side of the sides.
  5. We glue the sides of the side walls. For the strength of the protruding parts glued to the neighboring.
  6. The main part is ready.
  7. We collect the lid. We do everything the same as with the box, only bend not one time, but two.
  8. Cut off the protruding part at the corners.
  9. Lubricate the inside with the adhesive side and glue.

The box is ready.

Almost any artifacts made of paper can be made in origami technique, boxes are no exception.

Box in origami technique

It will take only 2 sheets of paper measuring 30 * 30 cm, a ruler and scissors.


  1. We cut the sides of one square by 1 cm.
  2. The smaller square is folded in half, and then again, to divide it into 4 parts.
  3. Fold each corner to the middle.
  4. Reveal again in the square. Take one corner and bend it to the middle of the fold, located opposite. We do this with all the others, so that we have such lines, as in the photo.
  5. We fold each corner to the line located to it first. Cut the paper as shown.
  6. We take the end of the un-cut side and add it to the center of the whole square, and then once again in half.
  7. The right end is added to the middle, and then the left one. We lift upward
  8. Do the same on the opposite side.
  9. The remaining two sides are tucked into the middle.
  10. In the same way, we make a lid to our box. If desired, the finished product can be decorated with ribbons, paints or decorative paper.