Decoration of boxes from under shoes

Very often, when buying shoes, we get a large cardboard box along with it. Many people have a desire to leave it and use it to store various small items: pencils, ornaments, letters, wires and so on. But often the appearance does not please or does not correspond to the interior of the room where it will stand. It's quite simple to fix it. After decorating the box from under the shoes and crafts made of them is easy enough. We will describe some variants of this transformation in our article.

We decorate the shoe box

First of all, you should cover the entire surface of our box with the main material. In this case, it can be the same for the cover and the lower part, and maybe different. Do not forget that the inner part of the box will also need to be closed. This can be used as a whole piece, and small fragments that will be pasted together or overlapped. After that, you can decorate it in addition using small images or decor elements: buttons, ribbons.

Than to glue a box from under shoes?

The most common way how you can decorate a shoe box is to glue it completely with paper. To this end, you can use any of its kind: sheet music sheets, newspapers, colored paper, wallpaper, wrapping paper. The only condition is that it bends well and sticks, otherwise it will be very difficult to work with it.

Many people like to use self-adhesive film, for attaching it you will not have to use glue, as it is fast and beautiful. But everything is not so simple, because the shoebox is made of cardboard, which means that if you glue or incorrectly glue the film, then you can not fix it anymore, since you will tear off the top layer.

Separately it is necessary to tell about use of napkins for a decor of a box from under footwear. Their use is most effective when performing the technique of decoupage . To get a beautiful result, it is necessary that the box itself is light, or it must be primed. The second popular material for decorating the box from under the shoe is fabric. For these purposes, almost any of them. But for sealing the bottom of the box itself and the lid, it is better to use cardboard for the color of the material. This will hide all the uneven edges that are the result of pasting.

The process of pasting an integral piece of paper and fabric is very similar. Since these are the most popular ways of decorating, then we will consider in more detail how this is done.

Master class: We decorate the box from under the shoes with a cloth

For this we need a fabric, a box, a cardboard, a PVA glue and scissors.


  1. Take the bottom of the box. We spread its edges with glue. We try the length of the side and cut the fabric in these places. We spread the fabric over the side of the box and glue it to the edges.
  2. The same is done with the opposite side.
  3. We spread the edge of the remaining fabric with glue and glue it inside so that a triangle is obtained. After that, bend the corner inward and glue it to the box.
  4. From the cardboard, cut out the square by the size of the bottom and glue the color side outward.

Our box is ready!

In addition to those listed, you can use: paints, threads, ribbons, laces, straw, twine, egg shell, clay, and other materials to change the appearance of the box.

How to decorate a shoebox?

The new design of the shoe boxes completely depends on the purpose of the new use. So, usually, for the storage of some objects for needlework, it is decorated with some of them, for letters - with old envelopes or newspaper clippings, and if it contains ink and brushes, then prints of palms or some objects.

Of course, you can store small items in unmarked boxes, but they will most likely not fit into your interior. In addition, additional gluing increases the strength of the boxes, which means that they will last much longer. Means decorating boxes from under shoes is not only beautiful, but also practical.