International Day of the Dentist

Very few people have healthy teeth. At least once in life, each of us turned to the dentist for help. In our impetuous age, people do not have enough time to eat properly, many experience stress and fatigue, and often do not attach importance to regular and full mouth hygiene. All these negative factors lead to problems with the teeth.

Modern dentists are highly qualified specialists who have the most modern means for providing dental care. Therefore, in honor of these people who relieve us of toothache, the International Day of the Dentist was established.

What day is the Day of the Dentist?

For the celebration of the Day of the Dentist, a significant number was chosen on 9 February. And this is not accidental, according to legend, it was February 9th , the distant 249 year, that the holy martyr Apollonia, the patroness of those suffering from toothache, and the doctors who relieved her, rushed to the fire.

Apollonia, born in the family of an Alexandrian official, believed in Christ. However, in those days, the only God was the emperor. And for such dissent, Apollonius was subjected to persecution and even torture, tearing all her teeth from her. Later, she was canonized. The belief says that to get rid of toothache it is enough just to pray this saint, and the ailment recedes.

On the Day of the Dentist, the specialists of this profession receive congratulations from colleagues, relatives and friends. The holiday is considered by its dentists and junior medical personnel working both in private and in public dental clinics. His students and teachers of specialized educational institutions mark it.

On this day in many clinics, doctors conduct explanatory activities, as well as free examinations, the purpose of which is the prevention of oral diseases .