How to treat heart failure?

Heart failure is a common pathological condition in which the heart does not pump the amount of blood needed by the body. Because of this, it stagnates and various tissues and organs do not get enough oxygen. When symptoms of this pathology appear, one should find out how to treat heart failure, otherwise you will not be able to get strong swelling and other severe consequences.

Medications for heart failure

During the treatment of heart failure, the patient is assigned:

  1. Beta-blockers are drugs that slow the pulse and normalize blood pressure. They reduce the risk of death and restore heart damage. These are Bisoprolol , Nebivolol, Metoprolol succinate and Carvedilol.
  2. Diuretics - stimulate urination, helping to remove excess water from the body. These include Veroshpiron, Diver, Lasik and Arifon. Loop diuretics (Torasemide or Furosemide) reduce the stagnation of fluid contents in the lung tissue.
  3. Inotropes - improve the pumping function of the heart muscle and normalize blood pressure. These are Isoprenaline, Dopamine, Dobutamine and Enoximon.

To treat edema of the legs with heart failure can be with the help of such tools as Lasix, Diver or Britomar. But this is a powerful remedy, so their long reception is prohibited.

Treatment of heart failure folk methods

To treat heart failure at home can be both with the help of medications, and taking folk remedies. Quickly eliminate the symptoms and risk factors that worsen the prognosis of this disease, motherwort infusion .

Prescription for medicine from motherwort



Fill the desert with boiling water. After an hour, strain the mixture. Take infusion should be 65 ml three times a day.

You can treat heart failure with such folk remedy as infusion from Kalina.

Prescription of a medicine from a viburnum



Pour the viburnum with boiling water. After 15 minutes add honey. Drink infusion before meals three times a day for 100 ml.