Iceland - tourism

"Ice country" is an interesting country from the point of view of tourism. Almost the whole territory of the island is covered with peaks up to 2000 meters, some of which abruptly break into the ocean, forming hundreds of amazing fjords. On the territory of the country there are active volcanoes, lava fields, black beaches, hot springs and geysers. In combination with fantastic landscapes, Iceland becomes one of the best countries for tourism.

West Iceland - tourist gate

To begin acquaintance with Iceland is from the capital. In Reykjavik there are more than 200 000 people. In the center of the city there is a museum of folk art under the open sky, called "Arbaejarsafn". Here you will learn about the history of the country, amazing facts and legends about elves.

Once in the West Iceland you will be surrounded by volcanoes. Incredibly popular among tourists is the trip to the active giants of Iceland. There are several such people in the country: Askja , Laki, Hekla , Katpa, Grimsvotn and Eyyafyadlyayukudl. The most popular among tourists are Lucky and Hekla. The second is active during the past 6.5 thousand years, the last eruption was in 2000. Hekla is very unpredictable, therefore eruptions are always sudden, and it can last from ten to several days. It has a twenty-five-kilometer crack and 115 craters. Tourists often visit the park for the sake of looking at the giant.

The most picturesque volcano in Iceland is Ascia, which has a height of 1510 meters. Next to it is the Icelandic Lake of Esqujuvatn, which is considered a pearl of the local nature. Visiting the volcano turns into a real journey, but once in place, the time to stop, as here is a fabulous beauty. Walking around the lake along a narrow trail is fascinating and exciting, not to mention the stunning photos that can be made here.

South of Iceland - history

The first settlements of Iceland were on the south coast, that's why in this part of the country there are a lot of museums that tell about navigation, ethnography and legends. There is also a museum dedicated to the Icelandic Ghost. If you want to learn more about history and mysticism, then you should definitely spend your vacation in the south of Iceland.

The southern part of Iceland also attracts tourists to a health resort. In the valley of Tingvetlir , in the geological zone of Svartsenga is the health resort "Blue Lagoon" . In addition to the fact that you can improve your health here or simply fill your energy, guests can visit the center of geological history.

East of Iceland - glaciers

The east of Iceland is famous for glaciers, the most famous of them is Vatnayöküldl . It bears the title of the largest in Europe, and at its foot is the national park Skaftafel . Therefore, after visiting these places, tourists immediately kill two birds with one stone, get acquainted with the most interesting sights of Iceland.

Also, the eastern part of Iceland offers tourists to see fjords that were formed in the Ice Age. This is an amazing sight, especially if you know that they hide 3 km of minerals, calcium and sodium, which are several million years old.

North of Iceland - ski resort

In the north of Iceland is Eia Fjord, a place that is known among lovers of the ski resort. This place has one amazing feature - the sun, throughout the day it remains visible at the level of the horizon. This phenomenon was called "midnight sun".

In the north, there is also the Krafla volcano , which erupted several times than left beautiful drawings of frozen lava on the relief. For hiking, the National Park is perfect, which includes the Ausbirga Canyon and Lake Myvatn .

The north is still famous for Zunavatnsissala, which is associated with sagas. Therefore, this part of Iceland attracts more fans of riddles and legends.

Center of Iceland - colored mountains

The central part of Iceland has a mountainous landscape. The hills have an expressive appearance, they are painted in red, green, yellow and obsidian colors. Nature has made these mountains a colorful spot on the map of Iceland.

Tourists liked the Valley of Toursmerc . There are many trails and places for camping. The only thing is worth noting that in these places on foot tourism can only be engaged in the summer, in winter there is a thick layer of snow here.