Interesting facts about Sweden

The most interesting facts about the Nordic country of Sweden can turn your idea about it. From this article you will find out how the Swedish way of life differs, what achievements the world owes to Sweden, and what to look for when visiting this country.

Contribution to the development of world civilization

Today many constructions of the world are built of a durable and affordable material - foam concrete. And he invented it was in Sweden in the distant 1924. The cement was combined with lime and other additives, and then turned into aerated concrete under the influence of aluminum powder.

And the athletes may be surprised by the following interesting fact about Sweden: the first in the history of bodybuilding simulators were invented here. By the way, the first large customers of sports equipment were members of the royal family. The simulators party went to the Romanovs in 1857.

Do you often drive in a car with a small child? Then you probably have a car seat, and it was invented by the Swedes in the mid-sixties of last century. And even the usual matches, which nobody is surprised today, are the brainchild of the Swede Gustav Erik Pasha. He invented them in 1844. Sweden is also home to the NMT 450 cellular standard, mandatory sex education in schools, the world's most powerful eco-car Koenigsegg CCXR and the art of time management, that is, time management.

Features of the Swedish mentality

The most interesting about Sweden you will tell the inhabitants of this country. To begin with, Swedes are very fond of communicating with each other in all its manifestations. As soon as a new owner appears in the house on the street, neighbors hurry to visit him. But "beginner" should show a maximum of tact, because the Swedes - people are touchy and picky. You can not lay a table for guests, because they can misunderstand this.

If for the Slavs a treat is a sign of respect and attention to the guests, the Swedes can perceive it differently, as if they are not able to buy their own food and eat at home. But the "buffet" is quite acceptable. By the way, serving all the guests at once in large bowls is a wise decision, because the owners do not need to waste time serving dishes, and thus they free time for interesting communication. And with all this, every fifth Swede is subject to winter depression. Scientists suggest that the disease can be hereditary.

The annual sale of three million ABV Group CDs, hotels on oak, underwater and the most famous Ice Ice, one of the most unusual hotels in the world , the Royal Ecological Park, the world's largest Stockholm Royal Palace, 42 days off per year, the world's largest navigational museum, hostel-plane, the narrowest lane in the world - it is endless to enumerate interesting about Sweden!