Distance learning in school

It is difficult to find a child who goes to school with pleasure and on his own. This is perhaps the only difference between the first-graders in the first six months of schooling, as long as the education system itself, teachers or conflicts with classmates do not bring all the firing of the newcomers to naught. Here also children go to school on necessity and under penalty of punishment. Over time, the more cunning learn to feign illnesses to stay at home, and especially fearless begin to simply truant lessons. Here and remain at the desks of the most honest and conscientious, who, due to education or any personal reasons, simply do not have any other way out ...

But not everything is so sad - there is a way out, and this is distance learning in the school. This innovation has become available due to the active development of networked Internet technologies. Undoubtedly, there used to be its prototype - the externship, when the children studied at home under the supervision of their parents, and went to school only to take exams. But as computers have firmly won their positions and become available to the majority, the distance form of education has undergone many changes.

Organization of distance learning in school

When using distance learning in high school, some difficulties may arise:

  1. The control of the teaching completely lies with the parents of the student and his consciousness. There is no guarantee that the child solves the problems himself, and does not write off the answers from the remakes, not the fact that he tells exactly what he remembered, and does not seek answers to questions in the search engines.
  2. There is no personal contact of the teacher with the student (which is not always a minus).
  3. The child is deprived of communication with peers.
  4. Distance education is not cheap, which is especially important for families where the child is not alone.

But there are indisputable pluses:

  1. The child is spared the need to get to school, and parents - to see him off (which is especially important for those who live in remote areas and out of town).
  2. There is no need to spend on school supplies and uniforms.
  3. Absence of distractions, like school rulers, duty on the class and cleaning of the territory.
  4. Do not waste time on unnecessary items. And instead of physical education, for example, you can drive a child into the sports section of his choice.
  5. Training takes place individually and, accordingly, there is no need to additionally hire tutors.
  6. The availability of free time and mobility, because you can learn anywhere where there is access to the Internet.
  7. The child learns to work independently with information and extract knowledge.

Means of distance learning

For distance learning, you need:

How it works?

To communicate with the teacher and the student directly the following forms are used, which evolve as they progress

This form of education completely redrays our usual ideas about schooling, so many parents and teachers do not accept it, preferring to act in the old manner. There is a rational grain in this, since using distance education in primary school is, for example, an extreme measure, since children do not yet have sufficient motivation for self-study.