White mushroom - description for children

Tell the child about the mushrooms, as the most unique inhabitants of the natural world - the duty of each parent. At least in order to warn crumbs from the deadly danger. After all, many children already at preschool age know that the mushroom has a hat and a leg, they can be collected in the forest with mother and father. But not all kids know that putting in the basket can not all representatives of the mushroom kingdom, because some of them can be extremely dangerous to health, and sometimes even human life.

What does the child need to know?

The child should clearly understand that poisonous mushrooms can not just not be eaten, but even in the hands of taking dangerous. And to prevent such a situation, you should tell the kid what the "good" mushrooms look like and where they grow. And start your story better with a brief description of the most delicious and useful - white fungus.

White mushroom for children

On the hill near the path

The fungus stands on a thick stalk.

From the rain a little wet,

White mushroom is big and important.

Such a wonderful verse can be learned, beginning its acquaintance with the most valuable of all edible mushrooms - a mushroom, or as it is still called, a white fungus.

He is rightly considered king of the mushroom kingdom and the dream of any mushroom picker. Externally, the boletus is different from its counterparts: it has a thick white or slightly yellowish leg and a brown hat. Why then is it called white? In perplexity can ask the kids. But because if the chopper is broken - inside it will turn out to be snow-white. Make sure of what has been said and better remember the external description of the white fungus, the children will be helped by the pictures prepared in advance for them.

Of course, the color of the cap may vary, depending on the age of the fungus and its habitat, but these are subtleties that will be useful for older children, going to their first "mushroom hunting".

There are white mushrooms large and small. How big the mushrooms grow will depend on weather conditions. For example, if you go to the forest after a heavy rain, you probably will be able to collect large borrows. In the heat and heat, alas, the rich prey can not be counted.

False white fungus

Making a brief description of the white fungus for children, you need to mention a false white fungus, which looks very much like his noble brother. To distinguish the bile (false) fungus from white, you need to know the following differences. The inedible bile fungus turns pink at the break, while the white does not change its color. On the stalk of the bile fungus, you can see a dark mesh pattern, and the color of the bottom surface of the cap is dirty. It is possible to demonstrate the difference between a white fungus and a bilious fungus, using special pictures for children.